
I'm in college and very homesick!!?

by Guest32699  |  earlier

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I moved out of state for college and miss my parents and home a lot. I'm an only child and very close with them. I wonder if I made the right decision to go away to college (it would have been less expensive and I would be closer to my parents if i were in-state). I wanted to try something different and become independent by going away, but it's hard. Any advice?




  1. you could always buy 2 webcams and mail them one and have conversations with them daily.

  2. Well it's hard but it takes time. If you move back with your parents you would be less independent and be relying on them more. You should only move back in with them if you really can't afford it and you need the financial help. Why don't you just try a web cam. You could just talk to your parent whenever you like and you could see what's going on also.  

  3. Right now, with the term only really having begun very recently, it's normal for you to be homesick. The test comes with how you feel once you've been on campus for a while, and have joined clubs and activities and tried to make a home there. If, at the end of this term/semester, you still feel as if you're too far from home, then listen to your gut. At the end of the term, if you still feel like this college is not the right fit, then look into transferring to a college that's closer to home.

    It's completely normal to feel homesick right now. I hope that once you make some friends and get really involved on campus, those feelings will lessen. But if they don't, then don't ignore them: make a change. But do give it at least a term.  

  4. How long ago did you move away?

    I moved away from home to go to uni when I was 17 and I was very homesick and ended up leaving a year later.  It was the worst decision I ever made because, surprise surprise, I didn't go back to college - straight into work.  I'm starting a course next month but it's 7 years later so, what I'm trying to say is, I should've stuck it out - it was only 4 short years of my life and I wouldn't feel like such a disappointment even though my parents tell me I'm not!

    That's not to say it's the same for you, but I would really think hard about it before possibly dropping out.  4 years (or however long in America!) will seem a long time, but its really not.  Maybe even try to set a target and say - I dunno - I'm going to stay for a year and see how I feel at the end of that time.  Maybe when the year is up you'll feel differently and you might be able to survive better if you know you only have to stay a year?  Just a thought!!


  5. Can't you go and stay with them on the weekends? That way you can still have the Independence of going to college out of state while still being close to your parents. And I'm sure they would love having you back for a few days every week. Alternativly you could get a webcam and talk to them that way.

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