
I'm in desperate need for a thoughtful opinion...?

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So my girl came out to her mom about half a month ago and everything went by smoothly until her dad found out... He doesn't want to let my girlfriend out... he doesn't want to see me with her or even around the house. He took her cell away and she has to get home by 2:30 from now on.. we're dismissed from class at 2:20... -.-

We both would like to know what we're supposed to do about this. Do we give her pops some time? Or do we lie and tell their parents that we broke up so that we could just pretend to be friends again in front of them but still stay together behind their backs...?

Any new ideas will help too. We want to stay together. Breaking up is NOT an option.




  1. Her father just has to deal with it that s what makes her happy and he should support her with what ever decisions she makes. and its her love life

  2. Maybe the Mom who is okay could talk with the Dad and smooth things out. But your grrlfriend needs to talk to her Mom about it to create some resolution. The only way is time and he will have to slowly get used to the idea. Maybe the Mom could convince him to join her to a P-Flag meeting to help build the relationship between all of you.

  3. i think u should give the pops some time

    hey u probably have lunche togeter so u can defenitly be together and just  get herr into some after school activities like that you can still see her

    one more thing tlk to ur advisor about that

    hope it helps

  4. As long as she is living at home, she will have to abide by their rules.  

    I'd give him time.

    I think sneaking behind his back will make it worse if he finds out what is going on, why take that chance and make matters worse.  

    Do the best you can, with what you have.  Hopefully in time he will come around.  

  5. Yeah I Agree dont Break up that dumb. I feel bad for you. Personally i never let mine know till i was 18 because that's what i would have been in for. So i couldn't tell ya. He will come around eventually though.

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