
I'm in foster care and was on the adoption list then i told them to remove me

by  |  earlier

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im in foster care and was on the adoption list then told them to remove me.i want to go to califronia when im out of highscholl(4 years) and if i got adopted then they wouldnt want me to move. the last cupple of times all the famileys backed out. was it better that i said to remove me or not?




  1. Just request placement in California, it's an option that you can live with and still be taken care of  

  2. To be so young you are making some major decisions. You seem to know what you want to do, your rational and you thought this situation out. Yes, I think you did the right thing.

  3. If you want to be removed then its the right decision for you.  However, why  do you think that if you got adopted that your adoptive parents wouldn't want you to go?  Wouldn't you be of age to make that decision for yourself?  Never underestimate people.  

    If you were on the list again, what would be wrong with telling your perspective parents your wishes to move to California when you get done with school? If you don't get adopted then you are no worse off, you stay as you are.

    Taking yourself off the list will ensure you will not get adopted.  Being on the list would give you the chance to have a couple love you and for you to love a couple.  

    There is the chance you could have your cake and eat it too.

  4. Baby girl you can still be adopted and move. I know they won't want you to move but you can. I think you should think long term about this. If you get adopted they will be benefits like financial support if you need it, emotional support and a place to come home to if things don't work out. Also, this may sound a little weird but if your parents die you would be in their will. I know this sounds like it's all about the money but you have to think about your furture long term. I would want to be adopted and have a family I can call my own when I get older. Think twice about this. And, if a foster family really loves and cares about you they will adopte you anyway.

  5. Life is how you want to live it, if you have everything planned, money, how to survive alone then its up to you in the end

  6. Its your life. You choose how to run it. If you think what you did is ok, then its ok.

                                    Have fun in California! =]

  7. Do you know anyone in California?  What kind of a job can you get with just a high school education?  Not one that will pay your bills.  Therefore what will you do?  Living in a state where you do not know anyone and can't make enough money to pay your bills.

    Do you have any idea how much it will cost you to live in California?  Do you have any idea what minimum wedge is paying?  I think you better look into this before you go running off to California by yourself.

    If someone will adpot you, send you to college out in California then when you graduate you can get a good job there.  That would be your best bet.  Even if you can't go to college there, after you graduate from any college you can still move out to California and get a good job.

    Put you name back on the adoption list.  That is the only way to make your dreams come true.

    Good luck!  

  8. I don't think think that was a right decision, because I think u wait and see who is the one opting for u and if they dont allow u to move may be they can give u a better life than the one in california, the best to make out of life is u think positive and move on

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