
I'm in grade 11 and i want to know if my SAT scores are bad for my age???

by  |  earlier

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math - 580 (70% national percentile)

writing- 550 (69 % national percentile)

critical reading - 500 (49 % national percentile)




  1. well first off, i dont know what you mean by "bad for my age" because this is the age to take the SAT

    Your scores are very low to average as you can see by the percentiles.

    A 650 is the goal everyone wants to reach in the subjects.

  2. your maths is good and your wrting is average(ish) and your reading is J|||UST below average so there good

  3. I am also in grade 11 and took the SAT:

    Reading - 540

    Math - 570

    Writing - 590

    My advice would be to bring your reading score up since its below average.

    Also, your supposed to take the SATS in gr 11 and 12 soooo....

  4. Anything above 50% of the national percentile is above average, so you're good for math and writing and ALMOST THERE in critical reading. Good Job!

    So, are your scores on genious level? Being honest, probably not. But are they good enough for your age group? Heck yes! =]

    If you feel like trying to improve your skills, you can go to and get the "SAT Question of the Day" emails. They have sample questions and give a good explanation for every answer to help you better understand the test.

    Also, they sell an SAT study guide.  If you're willing to pay the $20.00, it's well worth the money to help gain a better understanding of the types of questions they will ask and how to answer them.

    Again, Good Job!

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