
I'm in high school...what is the appropriate amount of cleavage?

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guys---do u like to see it? or is a little mystery better?




  1. If you ask guys this question, undoubtedly they'll tell you to walk around shirtless. My answer is, not much cleavage showing. Leave a lot to their imagination. Nothing wrong with fitted shirts though.

  2. No cleavage is most appropriate. You should be concentrating on studying not what the guys think.

  3. None!  why would you want to show cleavage?  Of course guys want to see it, and more!  Give them something to dream about, don't go showing the goodies just for the sake ot it!!!!!  

  4. Your in high school why do you need to show any cleavage?

  5. No cleavage...why would you degrade yourself like that?  Do you want the guys to like you because you show your b***s or because you're a nice person?

  6. As a man -- yes! As a dad -- wear a turtle neck!

    Guys at that age are gaga. You don't need to show them anything for them to get excited. Keep your dignity.  

  7. sometimes the less shown the better wear a mixture...can we see a pic?

    j/k im too old

  8. I'm a girl, but I think it's way trashy if you let the girls all hang out. A little bit is okay, but not much more that a 1/2 inch.

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