
I'm in love, but...?

by  |  earlier

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Their is this other guy I would love to know what its like to be with. I don't wany anything more then just one night with this other guy and I want to live out the rest of my life with my boy friend. I'm 24, and ok looking. I know if i really wanted to I could go after the other guy, but is this something I should just think about and nothing more?




  1. I would just ask, that one guy who has your eye, "hey would you like to go out for coffee". This is an example of course. But the point is that guys like it when woman take the initiative that your interested. Your not engaged the man your with now, right. So why can't you look or even flirt. If this guy shares feelings take a chance. You never know he might be thinking the same as you right now. Good Luck!

  2. You're always going to have those curiousities. For the rest of your life you will be meeting people you are attracted to. It's keeping those urges under control that keep your relationships together. You will risk your relationship for one night with this guy... You have to ask yourself if it's really worth it.  

  3. just remember that if you have been with your boyfriend for a long period of time it is normal for you to fantasize about other men.  When you have only had one man it becomes normal and sometimes you want spontaneous and this is ok.  But to have  a one night stand with this other guy should just stay a fantasy in your own mind.  Things like this have a way of biting you in the butt if not careful.  

  4. well..depends on if you love your boyfriend...

  5. What you're describing is a little something we call 'cheating', correct?

    Look, my friend has been in this situation, i'm being honest here too... she made the mistake of actually going through with it and slept with the other guy, she's regretted it ever since. She has to hide everything from her boyfriend and she said, and i quote: "If i had one wish, i would wish i never did it with (name of the person she did it with, i won't say who just in case her boyfriend is checking lol)" but honestly, if you love your current boyfriend, you wouldn't even comprehend of doing anything with another guy, you need to reconsider your feelings for this person before you make any decision. Could you live with yourself knowing you've cheated on him with another man? :/

  6. If you where really in love you wouldn't be thinking of anyone else.

  7. Everyone has these thoughts every now and then.  But if you're moved to act on them, you have bigger problems.  

    If you want a true life long relationship with your boyfriend, I would try to get over this other cat.  

  8. Maybe you should ask yourself if he is someone you would risk losing what you have now for.If not get over it.

  9. Don't be foolish. It is people who think this way and act upon it who end up with an STD and bring it home to their boyfriends/girlfriends/husbands/wives. Make a choice. If you want to be with the new guy more than you do your current boyfriend don't cheat, just leave!

  10. This may not be the answer you want to hear but if you are really in love then you should not act on these thoughts and feelings. Is it just the thrill of it being someone else, maybe? If you love someone you don't hurt them that way. We all have thoughts and urges but what separates us all is that we are ladies and understand that kind of hurt..otherwise your just like a lot of men, tempted and foolish. Be smart just fantasize.

  11. You shouldn't even be thinking about it!  

  12. You have one life.

    I say do it

  13. You will regret it and living with the guilt of cheating is suicide.   DONT DO IT!   Karma is a *****

  14. Cheating won't fulfill anything. Sure it may be gratifying, but you may end up hurting the other guy or your current boyfriend. Don't do it, it never ends well.

  15. Precisely, This is something you shouldn't explore, as much as it pains to me compromise your emancipation, These thoughts are the kind of thoughts that bring unhappiness in relationships.

    Take care

  16. just hang out with him and if your bf ask it is just a friend

  17. How can you be sure that it will be a one time thing with this other guy? What if you develop something and want more?

    How would you feel if you discover your boyfriend did something like that.

    If you are serious about your boyfriend I would leave this fantasy as it is.

    If you feel this urge is more important than leave your boyfriend. If you love your bf and do this thing you will feel guilty for the rest of the time you are with him

  18. This "one night" stand willl stay with you forever many many times when you are with your"true love" you will think about the one time you were unfaithful and it will haunt you ,even disgust you. As you go thur life from time to time you will find others you will be attracted to and some who will be attracted to you but you must not act  simply smile to yourself and remind yourself that you "still got it" life is mostly a matter of choice  you choose what you want in life to a great extent,  Nothing wrong with admiring a goodlooking s**y man who is flirting with you enjoy the moment but do not act ,We all must  use some control for many  things that are truly important in our lives . like furthering our education and getting good grades and doing without until we get a good job.,saving for a house and cutting down on expenses   having a child staying home being a good Mom and changing diapers instead of running around with your old  friends    all these things take a certain amount of control and at times can even feel a little let down  but the pay off is so  worth it . There is no price on peace of mind and faithfulness  How would you feel if you found out about about the man you love cheating on you?  Would you feel he truly loved you? Could you trust him when you are not with him?? Would you feel exactly the same way about him? Would there be a broken bond? If you have a good thing, keep the good thing going
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