
I'm in love at 22 for 3 yrs,Should I ask her to marry me @ 18?

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She and I have been together for 3 years, since her freshman year in high school. We've been through alot and its made us even happier. I chose her over anything and one point it came to chosening her over my family. Im samoan and my family is very hard, they didn't understand her or me. Point is that I love her with all of my heart and her love for me is true. We talk about marriage and kids and her freshman year i asked her to marry me but im for real now, if she wants to wait until she's done with college in a couple years I'll wait.

I want to know if anybody agree's or disagree's with me. Should i ask her to marry me know?




  1. Only you can answer that, If you know she is the one then do you dont let use determine your life.

  2. yes!!! you are obviously very in love..... ask her now...ring and all so that she knows your "for real" this time....and when you propose say " im willing to wait as long as i need to ....blah blah blah.." good luck!

  3. go for it, you can always have the wedding after she's done her degree/schooling but in the mean time it'll give her time to figure out how she wants her day to be like where she wants it etc. ... good luck and best wishes.  

  4. wait wait wait...whoa

    hold on a second...

    are you proposing to ask her to marry you back in time??


  5. If u feel like u can live out her then go for it and ask her and also let her know ur not rushing her and ur willing to until she ready to make a commitment. I wish for the best for u 2.

  6. Follow your heart it knows whats best xD so I

    think thats a yes !!! good luck XD I wish you all the best

  7. Everyone will give you varied answers for this one.  But for me and my husband, so far it has worked out wonderfully.  

    We started dating when I was 16 and he was 22.  We got engaged when I was 17 and he was 23, then married at 19 and 25.  We've been married for 2 years now- and I don't think our age has anything to do with it.

    Though initial shocked... both parents were supportive of our marriage.  That made a huge difference.  Additionally, I was mature for my age.  We got married when I was half way through university, and we had no problems.  

    Age is just a number

  8. I think you should wait until she is done with college. The only reason i say this is because a person changes a lot from the time they graduate high school to the time they graduate from college. I'm not saying dont ask, i just think you should wait until she is a little older and a little more mature. And if you can wait a few more years and stay together then you know that you two are really meant for each other.

  9. I believe you should wait.. i don't think getting married while in college is a great idea.. and what if she changes over time through college?


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