
I'm in love with my ex and I don't know what to do?

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I have been with my current boyfriend for 5 years. But I recently bumped into my ex boyfriend who I haven't seen in 8 years. It was like a bolt of lightning and I can't stop thinking about him. I have no intention of doing anything about it as I love my current boyfriend and would not do anything to hurt him. But i can't get my ex out of my head. I am feeling physically sick and jittery all the time because of the guilt I have for feeling like this. Even though I haven't done anything, I feel like I've betrayed my boyfriend. I am getting obsessed with my ex in my head and it is driving me mad. Please please tell me how I can get rid of these feelings as it really messing me up.




  1. ok first off you didn't do anything with him so their is no need to have guilty feelings about this.Just do your best to forget about your ex this feeling your getting will pass eventually.and whatever you do don't tell your current boyfriend about the feelings your having this will make him feel jealous over something that their is no need to be jealous over relax girl your ok:)

  2. Ok, here's a jolt of reality "Ex's" (for the most part), always look better after you have left them or they have left you. Why did you break up? Apparently your present boyfriend doesn't have something that your EX does. Is he a bad boy or something similiar?

    You are the only one that can control your thoughts, all of the advice in the world is not going to change that. You have to decide to either think about it or not think about. In the meantime, you're going to drive yourself crazy.

    I would suggest that you find someone that you can trust and talk the issue through with them. Sometimes just hearing yourself talk about it, will start to make you think about what you saying. Once you start thinking you then become a rational adult. Good Luck

  3. As long as you do nothing about your thoughts, it's really not that bad. It's okay to love someone. Whenever you feel you are "in" love with your ex, remind yourself as to why he is your ex. Remember what went wrong with him and what is right with your current boyfriend. However, I think you should give some serious thought as to why you feel "in" love with another man when you say you love your current. I would question that. It is possible to love two men but I don't think it's possible to be IN love with two men. You may love each in a different way. Good luck to you.

  4. Don't allow yourself to think about him period.  Do anything that will keep your mind busy, if you find yourself thinking about it again start doing something to block it out.  

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