
I'm in need of cash and I do very well writing essays, term papers, college papers in general..?

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The essay writing websites pay the writers a tiny percentage of the money the customers pay the companies/websites. What is the best way of advertising my service to students directly?




  1. You really shouldn't do that :(  It's a violation of most schools' regulations about plagiarism.  I know students are going to cheat anyway, but you don't need to help them out.  

    What you can do is offer your assistance editing and improving students' papers.  You could try putting up ads on campus notice boards, in libraries, and in the student paper.  I have even seen people tape ads to streetpoles near busy corners on campus.

  2. make a posting in your area

    go to nearby school websites. find ways to send emails to the students

    or post blogs on student only websites.

  3. By the way, that's called cheating, and is looked down upon.

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