
I'm in nevada- what exactly constitutes the abandonment of a child?

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parental rights can be taken from a parent if they are found to be unfit. If that's difficult to prove- it can happen on the basis of abandonment.

What constitutes that? How do you prove abandonment? What conditions need to be met to qualify as abandonment?

Thank you




  1. I'm not sure about Nevada, but my state it is absolutely no communications, no contact in any way, and the whereabouts are unknown for the last 12 months.

  2. I always thought that "unfit" and abandonment were 2 different things!

    Abandonment is where the child was just left.  Wasn't seen again, has not contact with the child for quite sometime.

    Your state I am sure has their own time table as to how long a parent can be a no show  no go parent to a child.  Ask your local social services   if they don't know, they can direct you to who does know the answer.  

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