
I'm in nj and was pulled over for an illegal turn. i was given a ticket which i will pay today?

by  |  earlier

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i also didn't have proof of insurance. i received a notice in the mail yesterday stating that i now have a warrant for my arrest for not paying the ticket and not going to court. this whole incident happened about a month ago. the ticket was initially for $180. the notice says my bail amount is $200. i called the court earlier and they said that i cannot pay the ticket now, i must pay the bond amount. they also said i will be given a new court date. if i'm paying the bail, and have insurance now-what is the court date for?




  1. The court date is for the ticket you got before you had insurance and because you failed to pay the citation on time and failed to show up for court.  It's pretty self explanatory.

    You most likely stand to lose your license for 6 months and have to pay the $200 fine.  I'd be smarter next time if I were you.

  2. Let me understand this.  You got a ticket for an illegal turn, the ticket was for $180 for the illlegal turn.  You also didn't have proof of insurance but you have insurance just didn't have the cards on you.  You still have to pay the fine for the illegal turn and go to court for the illegal turn whether or not you have insurance.  At court ( I had lots of speeding tickets) they basically tell you what you're there for, you made an illegal turn, how do you plead if you can plead no contest.  or if you think they're wrong you can say not guilty and have another court appearance to try to prove they were wrong.  If you plead no contest or guilty you have pay the fine and any court costs.  Basically its like the governement taking you to court for illegal driving.  And you are fined for it.  They can also fine you if you don'thave insurance.  So bring your proof of insurance to show you have it so you don't get a second fine for that.  If you skip your court date they put a warrant out for arrest.  They want you to pay for all that process so you pay $200 to get out of s******g up and not going to court the first time and wasting their time and money for that.  Then you go to court the second date because if you don't they'll do the same thing.  At the second court date you'll probably have to pay the $180 for the illegal turn and show your proof of insurance to get out of a fine for that.

  3. >>  what is the court date for?

    For your arrest warrant.


    Don't let small problem grow into bigger problem.  Face the problem.  Go to court and have it cleared up.  They much rather have your money than have you in jail.

    good luck...

  4. Go to the court. You might get a good bargain in term of money. Most important of all, you want to worry about the points and other charges.

  5. Go through life ignoring court appearances and you are going to end up being poor, if you get a ticket, you pay up or else. If there is a next time, I would be a bit smarter if I were you.

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