
I'm in search for a camcorder which has night vision as well as infra red. but is still affordable and works.

by  |  earlier

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O.K. like I said I am in search for an affordable camcorder that not only shoots videos but also has night vision and infra red. what I'm looking should be in the price range of around 50 to 200 U.S. dollars but I don't know what I'm looking for.

thanks for helping!!!!




  1. what's the question???

  2. Check the Sony HandyCams with "SuperNightShot". They have a built-in infrared emitter. Yes it works if what you are taping is within about 10 feet from the camcorder. Your budget is not enough.

  3. nightshot is only good for 10 to 12 feet so any camera on the market will only be good for that range.  

    The camera needs to be modified and have an "extra light source" meaning an infrared flood light, infrared flashlight if you want to see further at night.

    nightshot is infrared mode in a sony camera.

    if you plan on shooting nightshot during the daytime, then the camera has to be modified.

    visit the link below and you will find those cameras if you email the guy that owns the site, he may have cameras for $200

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