
I'm in severe pain and 38 weeks... please HELP?

by Guest11017  |  earlier

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all day today my ribs are hurting so so bad! i have tried changing positions and stretching, and nothing is working :( what should i do I can barely move with out crying from the pain. I dont understand because my baby has already dropped but my ribs are hurting so bad... what could it be please help!!




  1. I found that putting ice packs on the area really helps, and it does get the kid to move his/her feet away from there (or whatever else they've got there to make it sore!). Remove your bra and don't wear anything tight on the area either for a bit - I found my bra tends to aggravate it at times as well. I sit up as straight as I can, put the ice packs on it and usually it ends up feeling better pretty quickly.

    You might want to call your doctor at some point though and see if they can suggest anything else to help ease the pain. Sometimes kids can kick at you pretty hard, bruising the area, or even end up giving you a slightly cracked rib. Be sure to mention it to your doctor at your next weekly appointment!

  2. your baby has dropped but still can go into that area. if it is that bad you should go get checked out because to you it might be rib pains but for the baby it might be labor pains.

  3. If its hurting that bad I would make a trip to the er. Don't mess around its at the end of your pregnancy, don't take any chances.

  4. go to the not sure if what you are describing is labor but either way when you are having that severe of pain you need to know what is going on for the babies sake so to ensure  you are not causing stress on the baby.

  5. Call your doctor! Anything could be happening, even labor. Take it from me, don't wait!

  6. Go to the hospital. Call your doctor!!!

  7. Go to doctor.

  8. You might want to call 911 or go to an ER, just to be checked out.

    If this is your first, you may be having contractions and not know it.

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