
I'm in student organization on campus called Students for Social Action and we're looking to plan something

by Guest21181  |  earlier

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that will help the homeless population in our city. (Which is huge, because I go to an urban university in Richmond VA) Does anyone have any creative suggestions? There's already been clothing and food drives on campus by other organizations and we want something that will stand out. Thanks




  1. Have you heard of Guiltless Giving?  They help corporations, organazations and groups that want to help the homeless.  They put together Helping Handbags with a variety of hygiene products.  

    I myself wanted a solution and found them on line.  The story is great too.

    My family and I hand out Helping HandBags to the Homeless when we see them on the Street. Helping HandBags have several basic hygiene products and an information card with phone numbers including government services for homeless Veterans, runaways and much more.

    Most people don't give money for they think it's going to buy cigs and alcohol. You can give money but money is temporary and doesn't have referral numbers for them to get help.

    You can get Helping HandBags from a company called Guiltless Giving.

    If feels good to give. Do it often. Amy D

  2. i wish you can also do that here in the philippines for there is greater population of children which are malnourished.

  3. The homeless are in need of blankets, pillows, socks, and underwear not just regular clothing. Some actually go without. Other items are toothpaste/toothbrushes and if you can get dental students to help out maybe you can have them check the teeth of the homeless. Have people donate hand cream, soap, wash cloths and place them in goodie bags to hand out. Not every homeless person gets a meal especially if they are at the end of the line. Maybe you can have a group prepare a bag of sandwiches, chips, fruit and water which can be delivered to the homeless in the evening when most shelters are shut for the night. In the city I live in last year for Easter they had several groups of volunteers that washed the feet of the homeless and cut their nails. Many had cracked skin on their feet that needed attention. Some church groups helped in washing the feet. They also had their hair washed and cut plus had a shave. You might be able to get a local clinic or hospital to donate disposable glues, nail brushes, basins, nail clippers, etc. I think this is a very humble thing to do and it will get you attention. They also had a table with clothing that had been sorted out. The homeless left clean and with goodies.

  4. How about a letter writing and petiton campaign.

    Sleeping on the street in cardboard boxes was done by a local church here in Cleveland.

    Work with county health departmetn and school medical clinic/medical school for a free health clinic -- every month ?

    Have a cook out where students interact with homeless, not just pass out food.

  5. Why not call the volunteer or donation coordinators at organizations that serve the homeless in your community and ask them what would be most valuable to the people they serve? By involving the organizations you want to help in your project planning, you can come up with something much more beneficial.

  6. How about doing something that will have a National significance in your area?  Most recently during the Presidential campaign we have heard a lot about homeless veterans and not a lot of action on this subject as far as ending the problem Ed Schultz a National talk show host with help from his audience got one indivdual off the streets. I found this fascinating. Imagine the great feeling if your group could advocate for  homeless veterans who have served our country or even for just one homeless veteran. I have asked our Governor to help in alleviating this problem in NH where it is small but still significant. I would hope all the Presidential candidates would pledge to Zero Tolerance of any Veteran being on the street. Your actions will get noticed and you will be taking part in your government and bringing about change through awareness... while helping your fellow brother or sister. Godspeed and Thank You.

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