
I'm in the 8th grade and FAILING HELP WHAT DO I DO???!!!?

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In 2007 I moved to Ohio with my grandmother. no one would except me because I had no proof of her being my legal guardian all I had was a signed note from my mother saying she gives my grandmother temporary custody of me because at the time she was unable to provide for me--along with a copy of my birth certificate my grades from previous school years which were very decent! So we heard about a homeschool that was in the area--they a soon as possible accepted me into the school and made it very clear that is a public school just online, and I did not like the school I felt much better going back to a regular school teachers who not just there but that would there for me not virtually but like really there for me if I didn''t understand things. Now Math and Social St. I a hrd had time keeping up with no one is able to really help wuth homework when I doing it so I do what I can Thoses two subjects I had failed last and this yr lst yr they based my grds so I passed bcuz they were good if i fail this year will they just fail me--or will they just do as before and pass me on my grade in 5th grades last card marking? I REALLY DON'T WANT TO FAIL I KNOW I WILL DO BETTER IN A PUBLIC SCHOOL WHAT TO DO???????????




  1. Tell someone that you can't learn this way and that you need help.  That is the first step.  If you can talk to someone that can do something to help you with this problem, then it can be started to be fixed.  Also, find someone that is willing to tutor you if you feel like you need the extra help on top of that.

    Email me if you want to talk about anything.

    Does that help?

  2. Im 14 to so i say TRY HARDER,GIVE IT ALL YOU GOT.EXPLODE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. Be sure to keep studying. If and/or when you study, it will help you stop your failing streak. Trust me, I know. I have some sources here and I hope that they work for you. I also hope that this tip helps you a lot in school. I know it helped me. Good Luck. And if you have an upcoming test, there is one thing you need to do: STUDY STUDY STUDY!!!!! Again, good luck.

  4. You *are* in a public school.  You are not homeschooling.  You even said it yourself.

    What you really mean is that you want to go to a brick & mortar (a building) school.

    Chances are, since the virtual public school most likely has a wait list, is that if you fail, they'll kick you out and make you attend your local B&M school anyway.

    Your first, and biggest issue, is that you need to sort out the legal custody issue.  You need to contact your schools social worker and/or counselor to discuss this with them.  No one can tell what is going to happen with your guardianship *or* your schooling - the school, the grade level, etc.


    I just looked at your previous questions.  You will *never* get ahead in school unless you stop cheating.  I know you probably think cheating is your easiest way out of a failed grade, but you are only setting yourself up for *more* trouble by cheating.

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