
I'm in the process of making the largets chain of Emergency blood donors and need funds.Any suggestion/advice?

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I'm runnung this small NGO named Sarthak Prayas and have appx 3000 people registered as emergency blood donors.My motive is to creat the largets chain of these donors so that no body should die just because shortage of blood.So i want SPONSERS for this noble cause as it costs a lot.




  1. Your idea is noble, how ever,  where ever the money is involved especially in blood and organ donations the results are immoral, unethical and disastrous, the poor people are robed of what ever blessing as health they are left with by mostly the rich and greedy and hardly the needy are helped,

    Such situations need multiple checks and balances at every step, the relatives should be encouraged to donate blood in all situations and other wise blood donation  (and not just buying and selling)  camps be organised through the medical college or university medical centres, major hospitals, red cross etc., who can properly and scientifically screen the blood donors and can store and utilise it properly

  2. Doesn't Red Cross have the list?  Why are you duplicating services?

    Why can't you get a free website and seek additional donors.  You aren't supplying blood, merely names what can the cost be???.

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