
I'm in the same class as the most annoying kid EVER!!?

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I'm in 6th grade and this guy in my class Morgan is the most annoying guy on planet earth. He hums, taps, and talks WAY too much. And then we tell him kindly to stop. He admitted himself that he lives to bug people. What the heck do I do. Telling the teacher is pointless, BTW.




  1. if u get to pick your seats just avoid him

  2. make fun of him for having the name Morgan...

  3. Everyone will probably just tell you to ignore it but this is hard to do, especially since this kid is a pain in the butt! Keep in mind it may not be his fault. He could have a medical problem like ADHD which makes kids sort of hyperactive. The best thing to do is just be tolerant. I don't recommend ignoring him actually. Try talking to him. Try being his friend. He may just want someone to talk to. Maybe if you give him some positive attention he will consider you a friend and not bug you so much. Do something nice for him, like loan him a pen or whatever. If he's as bad as you say, he probably has a lot of people who hate him. If he doesn't see you as the enemy, maybe he'll stop! If this does not work, explain to the teacher that you can't do your work with him near you and ask to move seats. Good luck, I know it's not easy dealing with people like this!

  4. i sympathise.  i had to deal with a kid just like him in high school.  he was obnoxious, loud and annoying!  

    just ignore the idiot, some people never grow up.  i know telling the teacher is pointless.  they aren't much help in general lol!

  5. he still a boy,not a man!! big difference

  6. How do you know he's not in a class with the most annoying kid ever????

  7. uhh..

    i have the same problem

    but this guy TOTTALY is in to me

    one day, just go up to him

    with u and ur friends and talk to him.

    then he wil stop.

    if not.. tell everyone to not mind it and after a while her will stop coz he thinks he wont be bugging anyonre

  8. get him a muzzle, a leash, and a very large tazer.

    show him who is the sane one.

  9. hes a firkin 11 year old boy, he is gonna be very immature, don't waste you're time and energy on it and let it distract you

  10. Good lord, learn to ignore him and he will stop.

    DO NOT give him the attention that he wants.

    I'm in the 11th grade and people like that still

    exist. It would be so much easier if everyone

    ignored them. They will eventually shut up.  

  11. embarass him or punch him in the face and say well i live to kick your ***

  12. Tell him to SHUT THE F*** UP

  13. this is the justification you can take to your parents and successfully get them to agree that you should drop out of school and become a janitor.

  14. There is one in every class.  He may be ADHD, or he may just want attention, even negative attention.  Write him a nice note and tell him that people are not liking him because he is annoying, and that you thought he should know.  Ask him if you can give him a special signal, like pulling your ear, to let him know he is doing it.  He may not realize and would appreciate the help, and I am sure he would appreciate the attention.

    Telling the teacher is not pointless.  You could ask her to move you further away because you can't concentrate.

  15. Tell the teacher you are not able to concentrate because of that. Most teachers will stop it ASAP. You have to right to be able to learn.

    I had this kid that sniffled his nose EVERY 5 seconds. I started getting bad grades in that class because I could never concentrate. Ughhhhh that was bad. Finally a few friends and I stayed after to tell the teacher the problem, and she did stop it. "Hey John, ya need to blow your nose or something!" Then that's what I heard for a while. Not fun.  

  16. It might seem pointless but if you have a group of kids with you it won't be pointless at all.

  17. Sit in front of him in class, and when he starts tapping, humming, and talking, start farting and fanning until he stops!  Good luck!

  18. act like you dont notice then he will realize its not bugging you at al and will stop his stupid ways

  19. Trust me as you get older it will only get worst. Obviously, the guy doesn't know how to take a hint (whether your being obvious about it or not). I find that threatening people that bug me gets me what I want. Threaten him and it will probably get you want you want (don't be drastic like saying your going to murder him or something). If that doesn't work show him your bite is as bad as your bark. Follow through on your threat or set an example. Being a teenager isn't going to be easy. You have to show people that you can defend yourself.  

  20. IGNORE HIM!!! its obvious he just wants the attention. once everyone stops feeding into his need for attention he will get tired of it and stop. this is minor compaired to the droves of people who will annoy you in the future hon, it gets much worse!

  21. Id yell at him to shut up and if that gets the teachers attention, you will have to go outside but the teacher will probably tell morgan to stop too. Or you could try annoying him back and see how he likes it, crumple tiny balls of paper and l**k them and throw them at his head so they get stuck LOL.  

  22. act like nothing is bothering u 4 a while then he will understand

  23. Hon, you have some good answers here, but have you heard of ADD or ADHD.  He may have either one of these.  Both of these conditions cause a person to be hyper and definitely obnoxious.  Like one poster said in so many words -------- Care!  But I do agree that you need to talk to your parents and have them talk to the teacher.  That way the teacher has to do something about his behavior.  Whether he has either condition his behavior still needs to be dealt with.

  24. First of all, you should omit people's names as it's useless information. Also, you invite others to use your name when they find you offensive.  Careful.

    Tell your parents that your academics are seriously suffering from this individual.  If your mom is like me, she'll be at the school insisting that you have the right to a classroom environment where you can learn and do your very best.  All students deserve to be able to listen, concentrate and learn.  People like him affect other students in more negative ways then the poor little t**d realizes.

  25. tell him he is never going to make out with a girl if he doesn't mature

  26. Only Advice I have for you is......................................... CARE!!!!! that's all you have to do trust me I started to do that and I feel really free. And you will feel soooo much better trust me! :) Good luck!

    Have a great day :)

  27. i have the same problem

    atleast 1 in each class

    8 grade

  28. Ignore him I know sucks but trust me he'll get tired of it thats what i did to this kid and he stopped, it also had something to do with my brother being the top athlete and he was scared to annoy me more or bug me.

  29. rofl slap him across the face and say stop being so irate

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