
I'm in the worst pain ever!?

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About eleven last night, my right teeth and jaw started hurting. Since this has happened before, I thought it would go away. I was wrong. It's now hurting up into my ear, and the pain is unbearable. I've taken as much advil as I can. I'm fifteen, and I'm getting a wisdom tooth in (you can see it coming in) and I'm not sure if thats the problem or what?

I need any help because I'm in terrible pain.

My dentist just happens to be closed on Fridays, would a doctor work?

Thanks in advance!




  1. It sounds like it is your wisdom tooth,I would try Ibrufen,its a ant-inflammatory. You can't take this if you are Asthmatic though!

  2. That sucks! I remember how much that used to hurt...

    You can go to your doctor, but all he can do is perscribe something to make it numb. The best thing you can do now is go to your local pharmacy and get a tube of Oral Gel (found in the baby/toddler isle). That works wonders! As for going to the dentist, if the pain is that uncomfortable then you should go but again there isn't much he can do for you.

    Good Luck! Feel Better:D

  3. Definitely the wisdom tooth!!! for some people it causes alot of pain, others none. You happen to be one who gets pain. Just going to have to wait for it to grow in for the pain to stop.  Or have them removed asap.

  4. Awww I do hope it will stop hurting soon.

    I would call another dentist... any available.

    One thing that helps until you get there is Acupressure. It helped me a lot at the dentist and when my wisdom teeth were coming!

    The acupressure point against toothache is the left earlobe (always the left). You can either press it with your thumb and finger, put a tight ear clip on or a clothes-peg (maybe a tissue beneath).

    Another things is a flannel with mustard and honey on it pressed against your cheek. It works like a natural painkiller.

    Both work for the moment, but please darling, get yourself to the dentist today. Yours must have someone who cares for the patients in his absence, if not, phone another one.

    All my best wishes!!!

  5. The pain is just from your wisdom tooth coming through.

    However, if you don't have room in your gums for it, it will need to be removed. I suggest seeing your dentist first thing his next business day.

    Try getting some "Anbesol" its a gum numbing liquid. You can get at any conveient store.

  6. Make sure they check the TMJ which is the joint that opens and closes your jaw. You may even have a problem with your bite which has now shown up as pain.

  7. Call your dental office....they will have someone 'on call' to help you...........they have to.

  8. go to the doctor

  9. Keep taking advil. All I can say is call the doctor and maybe they can help you over he phone. I think the doctor can help you with those kind of pains. You might not want to clench your jaw to much and maybe if you put ice or warmth on your cheeck/jaw area may help. Good Luck!

  10. A doctor can give you pain medication, but he will only refer you back to the dentist.

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