
I'm interested in being a police officer, can any police officers out there give me some input or advice?

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Like I said, I want to be a police officer.

Is there any officers out there just sick and tired of being an officer? I've been told this job is quite easy to get sick of because of all the BS you go through. Not only that, but things you see may have a harsh mental impact on you. Which leads me to my next question, what is the most craziest/gruesome thing you have seen being a police officer? I want to be the most prepared as possible so I know Im making the right decision, and I just want ot make sure I am mentally ready.




  1. If an Officer is sick an tired of his job,he shouldn't have been an officer.  It is the most rewarding and most noble job in the world.  To deal with criticism and hatred but still be the hero.  Nobility is it's own reward.  

    Most gruesome thing...decapitated 3 year old after the car he was riding in was hit by a drunk driver with 7 prior DUI convictions...

  2. I have fun...4 years and counting.

    Sometimes dealing with the same losers over and over again gets old, but it isn't the end of the world. I do see some officers become "sick and tired", mainly as a resut of either being shafted by the dept or seeing it happen to other officers...things like BS reprimands etc.

    However, you realize that some days you are the windshield, and some days you are the bug...

    As for craziest thing...take you pick..DOAs, bad car accidents, the folks who are naked, that should never be seen get used to seeing the circus of life.

    As a police officer, I'm mentally different from what I was before I was a cop, and how I was 3 years ago, and 1 year ago...

  3. Mate,

    I cannot imagine being happy doing anything other than being a police officer I have spent three years in uniform in a small regional town, I've spent 4 years in uniform in our capital city and have spent the last three years working as a detective in child protection.

    There is no more noble profession than to every day face unknown risks on behalf of those that can't or wont do it.

    The worst part of this job for me is dealing with small minded fools that refuse to accept that they are wrong, that and drunken fools with the same delusions.

    I have seen the noblest of collegues lives ended in pursuit of being that which only the very few have the courage to be. The following says that which I can't

    'I have been were you fear to be

    I have seen what you fear to see

    I have done what you fear to do

    All these things I have done for you

    I am the person you lean upon

    The one you cast your scorn upon

    The one you bring your troubles to

    All these people I have been for you

    The one you ask to stand apart

    The one you feel should have no heart

    The one you call 'the officer in blue'

    But i'm just a person, just like you

    And through the years I have come to see

    That I'm not always what you ask of me

    So take this badge, take this gun

    Will you take it..... Will anyone

    And when you watch a person die

    And you hear a battered baby cry

    Then do you think that you can be

    All these things you ask of me?

    Good luck my friend if this truly is your calling then God's speed and welcome to the thin blue line

  4. See if your local PD offers ride alongs with the officers. Attned a citizens class if they offer one. It gives you enough taste of what can happen.

  5. Nothing wrong with being a Police Officer but go into it with a college degree in something other than Criminal Justice. It will pay huge dividends in the long run especially if you are in a large city department.

    Worst thing? Being shot at on 3 different occasions for just being in uniform.

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