
I'm interested in surfing and i wear spectacles will it be a problem?

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and any tips on how to open your eyes underwater?




  1. Take off your glasses while surfing...that's what I do... and as for opening your eyes underwater, you get used to it after tips for that. Only thing you should do is wash your eyes with clean water after time at the pool or at sea

  2. You can get prescription googles.. they will  likely how ever be a special order item.. As for opening your eyes under water.. no special trick to it you just open them... salt or fresh water

  3. um no just take your glasses off there is nothing that is really far away or really close that u need to see when u are out surfing. i dont wear any glasses but i have also never seeen anyone out there that has glasses on just do the same thing with ur eyes that u do when u go swimming

  4. You don't need to open your eyes underwater.  If you wear contacts, think about the solution you use to store and rinse them.  Saline Solution.  The ocean is just more concentrated with salt.  Fresh water tends to pull my contacts off when I take a face plant wakeboarding, but I have never lost a pair of contacts surfing.  Close your eyes while under water, and as soon as you come up, you can open your eyes almost immediately.  The salt water does not displace the contacts on my eyes when I surf.  Try it.  You will enjoy being able to see the swells coming and it will improve your ability to catch more waves.  Good luck

    I should point out that I wear soft contact lenses, hard contacts would not work.  Also, I'm as blind as a door k**b, but it doesn't stop me form surfing.

  5. i have a friend that is blind without his contacts.  his biggest complaint is he has to close his eyes in most barrels.  you dont really need to open ur eyes underwater though.  it just is a nice luxury.

  6. well... tried get those 'degree' type of goggles... as for tips in opening eyes in underwater.... try this... when inside water, imagine there's a lot of nice scenario which u like to see... but ur eyes is close, so u cant see anything... the only way is to open ur eyes... n dun blink... as beautiful dun last....

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