
I'm interested in the power and magic of mother nature, how can i find out more about this without wicca?

by Guest64026  |  earlier

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i want to learn about the magic mother nature has. the energy you can gain from the trees and all the world around. but i dont want to be wicca. or paegan. i just want to learn more about mother nature. if there are any sites you know or anything. tell me!




  1. Go sit in the park or a nearby wildlife preserve for a couple months

  2. sorry to say mother nature is not real, weather is predicted by the way earth spins on it's axis with it's gravitational pull.

  3. See link.

  4. You could major in Biology.

  5. Ask the Father in heaven.  You already sound like you made up your mind that there is indeed a "Mother Nature," though that phrase was made up by liberals who would choose to deny the Father who created this world.  I mean, c'mon, doesn't the "Big Bang Theory (emphasis on THEORY)" sound a bit far fetched?  Why shouldn't creation seem plausible?   Besides, there is FAR more scientific evidence to prove creation (and even the resurrection of Christ, but that's a different topic...kinda) than there is for the world just coming to be.  There is no energy coming from trees and plants and such, except that which you would naturally consume in food items, however, there is indeed a spiritual realm, both good and evil, that of God, and that of the devil.  If you are really open to the truth, and not a bunch of feel good hogwash, you open yourself to what God has and He will answer and meet you where you're at.  Good luck on your quest, and I'll pray for you to know what truth is.

  6. The "magic" of 'mother' earth is pretty much Wicca/Pagan.. Witchcraft. Please understand this is coming from someone who used to consider herself a "Wiccan".

    You want to learn about the TRUE creation and wonderful ways that this wonderful planet works? Try looking into the God who made it... it's a truly amazing and wonderful thing that Father God did for us. It's not "MAGIC", it's the products of a wonderful Creator!

  7. Just look around and allow yourself to experience what is!  Get out of the man-made city if you must. Ride a train across the USA, if that won't impress you with the magic and power of nature, I know not what will!

    If you mean more like a following, there are a wide variety of naturistic, shamanic paths.  I don't know why some religious types get uptight, as many religions view shamanism/naturism as non-conflicting and compatible with spiritual religion.  

    I consider Wicca a spiritual religion, not naturistic, but compatible with naturism and they often overlap. Similarly it would be possible to confuse Buddhism and Shinto.

  8. There is NO magic. Everything is the work of nature.

  9. Do you have any idea of how complex the chemistry of a leaf is? If that ain't magic, nothing is.

    Seriously, look up on how trees make ATP. It'll blow your mind.

  10. Coming from someone who is Pagan... You need to find YOUR OWN way to connect with Mother Nature & Her magick. No one can really tell you how. It's experiential and you must start doing, meditating, communicating in your own way...

    Sit with a tree for a half hour, go bird watching, take a walk in a State Park, sit at a lake front or at the beach, Watch the animals... & take it from there.

  11. You said magic???  You need to found a new religion then if the others won't cut it.

    Or better yet, just enroll is a college physics course for liberal arts majors.

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