
I'm interested in your point of view!?

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I live here in sunny Perth, Western Australia and would like to know:

1. What do you consider are the major situations facing people living in Perth?

2. Does it warrant something being done about that?

3. If so, what would that be?

4. What would be the result of it being handled?




  1. The population explosion.

    Yes, something needs to be done and that should be the freeing up of more land to create more satilite towns and cities with their own infrustucture. But the water, electricity supply problems have to be dealt with first.

    Don't understand Question 4.

  2. 1. Drug use, and water use as well as a lack of knowledge of basic human rights.

    2. Yes most definitely.

    3. More education  of what drugs do to you. (all types - street drugs or prescription).

    Water tanks made mandatory for every Perth home. (as well as grey water collection)

    A campaign on what human rights are,  being taught in all Perth schools.

    If there was more education on how drugs affect a person and the bad results that can be had - drug addiction, crime, murder, etc may lessen.

    We wouldn't such a problem with water shortage and wouldn't have to resort to 'other solutions' for water.

    People would learn that they have basic human rights that are probably being violated right now- but they don't realise it because they don't know what their human rights are!

    Just as a note on water shortage: a long term solution needs to be found like maybe planting more trees around the planet might help? (and stop clearing land of forests and wetlands)

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