
I'm interested to learn boxing at home , how should i start i've got gloves and punching bag but ?

by Guest59340  |  earlier

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i don't know how to start with but i really wanna learn boxing




  1. You could try the Slam Man.  It's a human shaped electronic punching bag with targets that light up which tell you where to punch.  It's better than an ordinary punching bag as it can provide combinations for you and it's much better for motivation because it's more fun.  It basically acts as your very own boxing trainer.  I've got one of my own and it comes with gloves and an instructional DVD in the basics.  A human shaped target provides a more realistic training regime as well.

  2. you can't train yourself succesfully. if you try you have a greater chance to develop wrist, arm, and shoulder. Also if you train yourself and enter into competition you will end up on the canvas

  3. you will need somebody who knows how to box to help you,i really dont think you can learn from a book or video.if some one can show you some basics like the proper way to throw punches ,you could start from there.get a full length mirror and practice throwing your punches while watching yourself.shadowboxing in a mirror is the first step,but you need someone to correct your form and to tell you what your doing right and what your doing wrong.meanwhile try to get in terrific shape by running ,doing lots of push ups and sit ups and do some jump roping.

  4. i would ask frank the tank hes a expert on these subjects

  5. you need a gym or you won't learn much and you could hurt yourself, plus you can't learn defense from a bag cuz it doesn't hit back.


  7. Boxing isn't that easy. You can't learn it at home by yourself. You need a coach that corrects your movements and teaches you the right technique. Without that, you will only train wrong movements and never get a good boxer. Go to a gym or boxing club to learn.

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