
I'm intrested in American diet all along... Can u tell me some typical american meals?

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I'm italian, and I'm used to eat pasta and other mediterranean diet foods... I want to erase the stereotype that Americans eat only french fries and hamburger... So, what's your typical meal?




  1. For Breakfast:

    Carne Guisada with Cheese Tacos

    For Lunch:

    Usually just have a soda water (Coke or Dr. pepper) with a burger and fries or onion rings. Sometimes I will eat Chinese or Mexican foods.

    For dinner:

    Chicken Fried Steak with Country Cream Gravy, Mashed Potatoes, Green Beans, Hot Rolls,and Salad with Ranch Dressing.  Or

    Another favorite of mine is a Rib eye steak cooked on the BBQ over mesquite, Baked Potatoes with sour cream, chives, and bacon, grilled onions, and a roll with butter and honey.

    I usually cook other things as well, such as Swedish meatballs, roast, soups, stews, anything other than burgers and fries. This is usually a lunch favorite only because it is easy and fast.


    Pancakes with syrup and orange juice.


    Cereal and milk.


    Scrambled eggs and bacon with coffee.

    LUNCH: salad and a turkey and cheese sandwich.  a light soup maybe.

    DINNER (largest meal of the day):

    Baked or grilled porkchops.  Mashed potatoes and peas.  Cornbread.


    Baked chicken with mushroom sauce.  White rice and green beans.  White dinner rolls.

    But, I live in the South (of the USA) and we have different foods than in the north and regionally.

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