
I'm invited to join a group called yadlsimcha but I still can't access it. It says I'm not part of the group!

by  |  earlier

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I've been invited to join a yahoo group, and every time I click on the URL for a page uploaded into that group website, I get a message that I don't belong to that group. How can I access my group?




  1. if you were invited, did you completely follow the links and steps within that invite? it is possible there is a delay of it reflecting your membership

  2. Go to

    Is this group located in your groups?

    If not, you are not a member.

    Sorry, no matches were found for 'yadlsimcha'.  If your spelling is correct, it is a closed group.

    If you have access to the URL, send a message to the group owner (email listed a the bottom of the page) and request help!  The owner can send you another invite!

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