
I'm inviting my new little chinese neighbours round for dinner?

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but i can't get chopsticks anywhere so i'm just gonna give them straws instead, my dining room table will probably be to high so i'm gonna eat sitting on the floor like in they're native china but i don't have a table low enough so i was gonna give them cushions to put under they're plates, i'm sure they are well used to this, does anyone know what kind of meat or foul they eat in they're native china and if its available to buy over here?




  1. Seseme chicken

  2. I think that they will be fine eating at your table -- they're Chinese, not autistic (meaning they don't need routine and the same thing all the time or familiarity).  Why don't you make them an America dinner (meat loaf or something).  Give them an American experience -- not the same old thing they had before.

  3. Do people actually thing this is a serious question?

  4. Not really, its nice of you to try to make them feel at home. But maybe they don't want to be in a Chinese theme because they have been their whole life like that ! So if I were you I would just make them experience my culture and the food we eat. Maybe play a game of mimes too !

    G¤¤d Luck ^.^ !

  5. Does it matter that they are little?  It sounds like your plan would be very patronizing...

  6. steak and chips, well, there in your country.

  7. give them straws because they so cant eat with forks!

  8. Are you serious?  Please don't give them straws!  It cannot be used as chopsticks - forks and spoons will be fine!

    First off - where exactly are your neighbors from?  I am chinese but: 1. I don't eat with chopsticks ( i can but i prefer forks and knives) 2. I never eat on the floor and certainly not with a pillow under my food!  If you don't know much about their culture/customs/diet - please don't assume - it's perfectly alright to just ask them for clarification!!

  9. Pygmie Chinese people ? what region do they come from.

    How much smaller are they to the regular chinese people?

  10. They will like chicken, fish and pork, or perhaps a dog if it is available.

  11. They're Chinese, the probably dont wanna eat chinese food and act like their in China, why don't you just treat like people, not "Little Chinese Neighbours".

  12. LOL

    give them fork instead rather than straws! haha

    and have them be in the table geez

  13. don't you think that is a bit racist because what if they have lived in your country for years and if they have they may want to try new things it doesn't matter what they eat or how just have a nice normal relaxing dinner and ignore the fact that they are Chinese or order in or eat out on your treat

  14. They like chicken, and all kinds of fish.Give them a spoon, thats what they gave us in china as I am hopeless with chopsticks. Put it all on a big platter & let them help themselves.  A load of Rice & all should go well. Lots of soy sauce & sweet chilli sauce are favourites, get them in the supermarket Asian section.

  15. I think they would like chicken feet and beaks

  16. giving them straws if a pretty big insult...just have them at the table, not all are small. your not serious about all that are you??

  17. go look up the word Xenophobia and stereotype is my advice to you.

  18. I'm a Chinese. Trust me! We know how to use fork. We don't eat with straws. Also, we don't sit on the floor to eat. Those are Japanese.  Our chair and table are about the same height as what you're using here. You can prepare the dinner with any kind of meat/food you're used to...pork and chicken will be nice options unless they're vegetarians.

    I know you're trying to be nice. I bet they'll be more interested in knowing your real lifestyle instead of trying to imitate the not-real-Chinese way.

  19. Serve rice, you won't go wrong with that. Tibetan chicken would also be favourite.

  20. okaey.. heres a tip,

    don't call them "little chinese neighbors"..

    yeah, definatley not..

    &&are you sure you would'nt rather introduce them to a new custom,

    maybe they would find it more interesting and welcoming if you showed them how people eat here...

    it's much better then eating like a dog on the frikken floor.


    have a nice dinner:]

  21. Chinese people aren't stupid, so don't give them straws to eat with. Show them some American culture by getting them forks and spoons to eat with. Let them at the dinner table.

    They eat fried pork strips.

  22. I think what your doing is very nice and neighbourly. Not knowing what ethnicity you are, I will presume you are European. Your invitation will be most welcome but preparing traditional chinese fare could be misinterpreted as patronising. I would recommend a local traditional dish from your country or county.

    I am sure they already know Chinese food quite well. Put yourself in their shoes. You are their new neighbour, they invite you to dinner. Your expecting Chinese food, and instead they produce your local national traditional dish. (fish and chips) for example.

    Be your self, show them your hospitality, your culture, your cuisine, be proud of where you are from.

  23. If you try to make everything Chinese, they will be offended.  Make something "American" with a salad before hand.  Eat at the table.  Don't give them straws!!!!  Straws are not stiff enough to pick things up with!

    If you can't find chop sticks (did you try Chinese restaurants?) serve burgers and fries.  No utensils necessary.

  24. your silly. and this made my day. =) thanks for that.

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