
I'm irish am i entitled to a grant 4rm the U.K if i wanted to go the art college in edinburgh?

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i am republican




  1. northern Irish/repulican

  2. hey merry christmas fellow irish person, dunno the answer maybe try checking out the college web page see can you get info from that

  3. Well to be honest lol I'm not 100% too sure but you could try contacting the Edinburgh College of Art and asking them directly!!!

    I'm pretty sure that someone there would know better... as that's there job and all...

    But either way I wish you all the Best of luck with that lol!!! ^-^ ...

    Here is the eca's website for you:

    Plus here is there Contact information for you lol!!! ^-^'' :

    Edinburgh College of Art

    Lauriston Place


    EH3 9DF

    Telephone: 0131 221 6000

    And Merry Christmas and a Very Happy New Year!

    All the Best for 2007!!! ^-^''




  4. edinburg is a beautiful old place...I love it

  5. being Irish your entitled to everything including a good kick between the legs

  6. My daughter went to collage in Wales & she got a grant.Go to your council offeces they will help you.Good luck.........................

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