
I'm jealous, why do Christians and atheists get all the questions?

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  1. Because we're the clever ones.

  2. *sigh* I'm thinking of giving up on being agnostic just so I can yell at someone!

  3. I'm listening to you sweetie.

  4. Here's one for you.

    What R or S are you?

  5. hey join the party, all the other stuff is rubbish, at least here, we actually have a viewpoint.

  6. Because Christianity is the largest religion in the world, non-religious (which comprises a huge group of people including atheists, agnostics, deists, agnostic theists, etc) is the second largest group and in an online technical medium you find a LOT of atheists just due to the nature of the medium (read alt.religion archives from 10 years ago, it looks like the stuff you see here today. More things change the more they stay the same.)

    Secondly a lot of Christians were once atheists and a lot of atheists were once Christians and for the more extreme among them and those who had extremely bad experiences there is some animosity towards the other.

    It also doesn't help that in the US there is a lot of religion and politics mixing in recent years that is seen to be driven primarily by the fundamentalist and evangelical christians.  Intelligent design, young earth creationism, etc... are all attempts to blur the line between science and theology in an attempt to get religious access to our schools, which most non-religious (and non-fundamentalist/evangelical) people see a problem with.

    Edit: I'm largely agnostic too, but I answer a lot of questions and try to bring up interesting points to both sides although generally you get ignored by both sides equally hehe.

  7. So what are you?

    Jealousy is a sign of self-importance

  8. Squeaky wheels, grease, etc.

  9. We clash the most so it follows's the oil and water theory..

  10. Meaning no disrespect, but we are the two biggest fish in this little pond. We do all the yakking. Another issue is that we are the two philosophies that most people know a reasonable amount about. The same people may have some knowledge of Judaism or Islam, and may very well not even know that Wiccans exist. People are only going to talk about what they know (or think they know), and leave the rest to others.  

  11. Because most atheists here hate their Christian upbringing.

    And most Christians want atheists to find Christ.

  12. So you must be Christian if you are confessing to the sin of envy :-)

    Oh you're agnostic! .... well nothing to worry about then, either here or in general really.

  13. i guess atheists are just cooler that way

  14. Good question ;)

  15. We do?

    Thank God I'm Atheist

  16. There's one more, I assume.

  17. Technically, we don't and they don't.

  18. But you get to wave a flag from the stands!

  19. Way to go!  You got to ask a question, too!

  20. How are you suppose to get any questions when you don't even say what you are?  

  21. Because we ask them.

  22. ...cause they ask more?

    or by another interpretation, because there's more to argue about. And Christianity gets the heat a lot more than any other religion.

  23. If you sit on the fence, you only get to watch the action...

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