
I'm jealous of my little!?

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I'm 15 and I have little sister who is 14.As you can see we are super close in age and we both are in cheerleading and we shop at the same stores and everything. It's weird because sometimes people will ask us if we are twins but then sometimes people will tell us that we don't look alike. She's taller and skinnier than me even though i am older. I don't mind being short, but i'm so jealous of her. She has an amazing body and she's so pretty. She has a 16 year old boyfriend who is GORGEOUS. She's always had a bit of an attitude, but now that she's getting older she can be really mean to me. Like some days we get alond GREAT and we have so much fun together but then some days she'll be super b it chy to me and I just wish she would like to be as close to me as I want to be with her. I just don't know if this is common and I don't know what to do...




  1. You are in your teenage years, and it is VERY common to have fights like this with your sister!

    I am the older sister as well, and my younger sister is 22 months younger than me, so we are somewhat close in age. We both did the same things in high school- Band mainly! And- believe it or not, she is much taller than me as well!!

    Sisters are blessings, and I do not know what I would do without my sister.

    When I was in high school my sister and I would fight A LOT, about random things....but today, we are the best of friends, honestly!

    When you are older, if you want, you can have the best relationship with your sister. It just takes time.

    This is a normal stage of life, don't worry too much! Make some friends, and don't focus too much on your sister!  

  2. Sounds perfectly normal.  She's probably jealous of you too.  You might have better hair, or skin or be a better cheerleader.  

    At least you get along sometimes.  

  3. Now I am only speaking from the guy's side of the question but I have a few things to say.

    You said that you are jealous of your sis BUT you didnt say if she was jealous of you too.

    Anyway, back when I was in grade 12 I dated 2 sisters at the same time!   Sounds strange but it worked fine.

    One was in grade 10 and one was in grade 11. I took them out together sometimes but usually one at a time because the gr 10 liked outdoor stuff  like hiking and bike rides but the gr 11 liked movies and going for coffee.

    Since you said that her bf is "GORGEOUS" maybe you should flirt a bit and see if he likes you too.

    Maybe another way to make your sister like to be close to you would be if you kept doing nice things for her. Little presents, breakfast in bed, foot massages, etc.

    Good luck!

  4. she sounds like a little w***e  

  5. I used to be jealous of my sister's body (she's really petite and small and has curves in the right places, I'm skinny and tall) but now I'm more comfortable and confident in myself and no longer compare myself to her. She has her flaws and her perfections, and I have mine. =)

  6. yea i'd say this is common. don't worry about it just talk 2 her and ask her to be nice

    answer mine plz

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