
I'm joining the Air Force. Does Speaking German ......(cont.)?

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fluently increase my chances of getting stationed in Germany?




  1. No it does not increase your chances of being stationed there, but it does increase your chances of going TDY there.

    There is a Language Proficiency test you can take. If you score well enough, you will receive an extra $100 or so per month for the proficiency. They use this by if a translater is needed in an area where German is the language needed, they will look at a list of people who have passed the proficiency test. Then send one TDY to translate.

    This could be all over the world, not just Germany.  

  2. my husband says yes.  and if u have a gift for launguages, they will teach u more and send u to more places

  3. No, but it may increase your chances of being a linguest.

    many bilinguals are offered that position.

    as for you getting stationed, no. not unless your stint will have your recruiting. and yes, we sometimes recruit from foreigners....and teach them english. but the AF is down sizing, so i doubt you will experience that.

    if you get a job in APS. arial port squadrine, your chances of going to germany are greater. but the job isnt all that great.

    we have a base in the heart of ramstein, there is also an army base near by.

    a lot of people dont realize, but if you are in the AF. many people can volunteer to "deploy" to korea for a year, and get stationed to their base of choice thereafter. the catch is that your job must have an opening in that base.

    good luck

  4. nope. you have to sign up to be stationed outside of the states. My hubby was stationed in germany just by saying he wanted to go.

    easy enough!

  5. Nein.  

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