
I'm just a kid and life IS a NIGHTMARE??

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I'm in the 8th grade and i switched to a new school and I hate it!!!

Everyone is soo mean to me and i'm not exaggerating. I got yelled at for sitting in her seat and i got called a nerd for being smart.

I got laughed at when i sat down and had no one to talk to and some girl told me i had an attitude problem for saying "thank god" at my bus stop.

I've made 2 guy friends and now the girls are calling me a w***e!!!

What do i do to make this year easier!?





  1. The guys probably want something else from you. Just become friends with a lot of the girls and then go for the guys and make fun of all the mean girls.

  2. I do agree with the girl who said toughen up.Now listen,for the rest of your life are you going to let some people run all over you?You can be what you want to be and they should have no say in it!And tell them that!You don't always have to please these people.If the don't like it they suck it up!Once a girl told me to move I was in her seat,so I told her,does it have your name on it?She  looked at me strange that I had actually stood up for myself and sat next to me.Didn't say a thing that whole day!And now Im not sitting here regreting that I had let someone run all over me!Girl the best not call you bad stuff.Tell em off.Not in a bad way or anything,and walk off.If they try to fight you tell a teacher!I really hope this helps!

  3. toughen up.

  4. Just ignore the drama and be yourself. Your friends won't believe that you're a w***e, and will stick by you.

  5. Haha, are you sure you're hurting from this?? They're jealous of you! Come on, they called you a nerd for being smart...h**l, when you get into College and they don't, you'll be earning 4 times more money than they will. Who cares about what people think about you. You've made 2 friends, it doesn't matter if they're guys, just make your life worth more while.

    You're only going through with some jerks in life, things'll turn out better for you, trust me.

  6. wait until you get a great job college degree and best life ahead you good luck  

  7. you answered my question so ill answer yours =]

    Be my friend =]

    And those people at your school have no life.

    Theyre obviously trying to cover up their own disappointment by taking it out on you. Just ignore them it annoys them even tho thats really hard.

    Lots of love and good luck, the english dork jo xxxxxxxx

  8. Ignore.  Ignore.  Ignore.  They call you a w***e cause their jealous.  And they make fun of you because they have so many insecurities.  There dumb and immature.  Next time just mumble "Whatever..."  or go "Psh..."  


  9. I'm in 8th grade too, and I moved to where i'm living now a couple of years ago, i had to adjust to the same thing that your doing now. It's tough, especially now that it's all teenagers. The only thing you could really do is wait it out, try to make some new friends, but do NOT trust anyone. And to the people that laughed at you, don't worry about them, they just don't know who you are and they want you to be the new "gossip" .. And don't listen to the girls that are calling you a w***e, just because you made guy friends doesn't mean your a w***e? that's the stupidest thing i've ever heard. After this year, things will get better trust me.  

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