
I'm just curious why others like MMA ? As a fomer wrestler this is another form of the sport I love so much.

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I know this sounds a bit melodramatic but wrestling helped take me from a puny kid who lacked self confidence to a very confident person. While I was never super great at the sport, I would never have been able to have successful career in the military or the corporate world or even shine in college had it not been for the confidence I started to gain in myself through Jr. High and High School wrestling. I'm wondering how many others feel the same way and what their stories are




  1. I did tae kwon do when I was 13 or 14. and after that me and my brother and friends always sparred and got in to some fights. but we all love martial arts, every thing from sword, knives to unarmed. we are all also very athletic. what better way to mix it all up

  2. i was the same way but i played football i wish that my old high school had wrestling that would have been fun

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