
I'm just needing advice at 10 weeks pregnant?

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I had my U/S yesterday and I saw the baby and heart beat. I'm always cautious and somewhat afraid of miscarrying. I lost my last pregnancy and it was a Missed Miscarriage.

I have had some mild pelvic cramping and shooting pains in my lower abdomen.

I am incredibly naucious, sore b*****s and all the other normal symptoms.

I liften my heavy mattress this morning to make my bed (like an inch) and have been paranoid ever since.

No real question other than should I be concerned?




  1. dont lift the bed too often . conserve your energy and strength. it's normal to have some pain just relax and rest. the more rest you get, even if you dont sleep put up your feet and remember to eat small meals often

  2. The baby really starts rocking in the next few weeks so those sharp pains come (probably) from stretching. when i was about 10 or 11 weeks i had so sharp pains that took my breath away and made me tense up all over, and my dr. said they were just round ligament pains. But man did they hurt like h**l....

  3. When my wife was pregnant, I did everything for her and wouldn't allow her to do any lifting.  I treated her like she was fragile.  She said she should get pregnant more often (haha).

         So, anyway, I'm overly cautious too.  I'd suggest taking it as easy as you can and talk with your doctor if you are worried.  

  4. take it easy, visit the doc , congrats

  5. Around 10-12 weeks I had mild cramping, but my doctor said it was just round ligament pains.  I have a friend who miscarried a few years ago.  She said all of her "symptoms" began to diminish soon before the miscarriage--hormone was decreasing due to impending miscarriage .  I think as long as you still have strong "symptoms" everything is ok.  This means the body still detects the pregnancy hormone.

    Don't lift on the mattress any more.  An unmade bed isn't going to hurt anyone.  (Actually an un-made bed is less likely to have bed mites).

    Just sit back and relax if you can.  If the cramps or pain continues or worsens, contact your doctor.  Because you've been through a miscarriage before, I'm sure (s)he could offer you some much needed/appreciated advice.

    ***  Be thankful for all those elevated hormones.  It's a sign that your body is being affected by pregnancy!!  ***

    Good luck and congrats!!!

  6. You should be okay, but just take it easy and no more lifting from now on

    good luck and congrats hun

  7. I sure your fine just take it easy...lifting probably wont hurt the baby this early it just hurts mom...I learned that the hard way myself...good luck and stay off your feet until you start to feel better.

  8. The pelvic cramping you are feeling is likely just your ligaments stretching.  I experienced this with both of my pregnancies.

    The symptoms you are describing means your hormone levels are strong and your body is doing what it needs to do for a healthy pregnancy.

    Don't worry about the mattress.  Lifting it one inch won't hurt you.

    Congrats and best of luck to you!

  9. You shouldn't lift more than 25 lbs. Unless you are having bleeding or major pain I wouldn't worry about it too much.

  10. As far as lifting things goes, no.  You don't have any weight restrictions till around week 20 or so.

    Just be calm and happy as stress can effect the baby too!  If you ever have constant cramping pain (like contractions) with bleeding or bleeding on its own that does not stop or is bright red, then you need to go see your Dr. ASAP!!

  11. When u see that hearbeat rest assured your chances of miscarrying are like 10%. Seeing that hearbeat should out your mind at ease. So now is the time to enjoy your pregnancy:)

  12. You should talk to your doctor regarding the nausea. You need to eat at least 5 small healthy meals each day. Do not allow your stomach to be empty. Avoid citrus beverages as this can stimulate more acid in your stomach. If you do eat or drink something citrus each some crackers before and after to counteract it.

    Lifting a mattress should not be a concern. Just take it easy. Stressing out does more damage than lifting a mattress an inch.

    Consider meditation and/or yoga. Do you have some meditation tapes?

    This is very good for a number of reasons. Teaching you to relax, getting to know your body, and it is soothing to the baby. I played constant soothing music while I carried my children and after.

    Try to relax and take care.  

  13. no one can tell you what and can will happen,

    While seeing the heartbeat reduces the risk of miscarriage it can still happen,

    Just enjoy your pregnancy hun your feeling just like half the women out there are and everything is fine

  14. I am only a week behind you and I get pains all the time. It is just your stomach getting ready to stretch. For the nausea , I know this may sound silly but it work really well for me, try chewing on some bubbalicious bubble gum throughout the day. It keeps away my nausea. Lifting your mattress an inch is not bad as long as you don't do it too long. If you were just making your bed then you should be fine. Don't worry and be happy! lol =) Baby likes a happy mommy. Good luck sweety.

  15. Nope.  Cramping is normal throughout the first trimester and should be lessening in the next 2-4 weeks - the same with the morning sickness.  The shooting pains are round ligament pain as it's stretching to accomodate the new uterus.  You're 10 weeks and saw the heartbeat.  The chances of losing this pregnancy at this point is very small.  Just lifting your mattress a little bit to make the bed isn't going to hurt anything.  They just don't want you to move heavy furniture or TV's or anything like that.  Good luck!

  16. just take it easy, you can still preform regular activities and pain is normal because everything is growing. Try not to stress because that can be dangerous.. take it easy and congrats

  17. Don't be concerned. Your body will give you all the right signs when it needs attention. For now, take it easy, and don't forget to take those prenatal vitamins!

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