
I'm just starting middle school, and I'm incredibly unorganized and unprepared. Any advice?

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I've got no idea what stuff I should bring to each class, and I'm very lost.




  1. Rest assured that you have plenty of time to organize yourself before high school and college.  Usually you can't go wrong with pens, pencils, folders, notebook paper, and a notebook.

    Buy a folder for each subject, unless the teacher tells you that you need to buy a binder.  That could very well happen, just make note of it on your first day.  Keep all of your work for each class in the folder that you assign for that subject.  Keep it neat and organized so that you can find things easily, for example, put graded stuff on one side and stuff to turn in on the other with notes in the brads in the center.  Keeping things together is the best advice that have for being organized.  Your teacher may also want something specific, so be sure to write what he/she wants so you can get it as soon as possible.  Good luck! :)

  2. Relax. It would be a different story if you're going into high school. You'll be fine, the teachers should help with the transition.

  3. All you need for most classes is just a binder and a pencil, with the exception of math, where you'd need a calculator.

    Basically, you don't need anything besides those unless your teacher says so.

  4. I'm an 8th grader and know that you need a binder, binder paper, pencils, colored pencils, pens; red, black, and blue, you might need notebooks for notes, but for my first year of middle school I didn't need any, you always want to have a book for free time (in some classes they count bringing a book as extra points towards your grade), you might also want to get binder dividers. That is pretty much it!  

  5. calm down.

    middle school is no big deal unless ure a nerd.

    take it from me.

    im goin into eighth and i havent had any trouble.

    as for wat u should bring: look at ure supply list and if u dont have one go online and look for ure school.

  6. well, the first thing that helped is you should get to know your teachers.  be nice to them.  If you're a jock, just saying 'thank you" will get you in a good place.  If your a nerd, do the same thing, and try to get somewhat organized.  In high school, you gt your butt jerked around a lot, so staying organized now will help later.  other than that, you'll be fine.  

  7. just bring  a notebook pencil and a bookbag and the teachers will tell you what to bring they will give you a list  

  8. Chess,

        You should fit right in.  I've been out of college longer than you've been alive, but nothing has changed.  You won't be expected to say or do anything smart for several days after school has started, and then, not very frequently.


        I'd say - make sure and show up, don't take any c**p from the low end of the social structure or it will set a pattern, and don't sit in any front rows and you should be fine.

       The teachers will pass out books,  take roll, talk some, maybe make some homework assignments.  You can get your stuff in one pile after you get a feel for what that stuff is, which will happen after school starts.   Trust me, the fact that you put together an 11 word sentence puts you in the upper 25% percentile of all middle school students.   As long as you show up with a pencil and a smile, you'll do great.

    Remember - everybody else is in the same boat.  What kids your age will not realize is that the TEACHERS were also used to sleeping late, are disorganized, and basically students that got old and are now paid to teach you.  Deep inside, adults are the same as they were in middle school.


  9. Use your planner to get organized!

    Just bring a notebook and pencil on the first day and usually teachers will tell you what they expect you to bring.

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