
I'm just starting to come out?

by  |  earlier

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I feel a little more comfortable with myself...I'm a Bi guy...and I just want to find someone to be happy doesn't even have to be a relationship...but I really want to be with a guy and see what it feels like! I want to feel comfortable...I want to feel accepted...I don't want to feel alone anymore...i've felt really empty for the last 2 years...anyone else have this experience and how can I change this...what did you do, did you see a guy you liked or girl and just went up to them without being afraid? All advice or comments are good...thanx




  1. Well, I still go through a similar problem, but have dealt with it a lot. I usually walk up to the person I like and talk to them, Then I ask for their number or email and give them a reason why like, "You look interesting. I would like to know you more, if you like." or (since I am writing a book and I need criticism) "I am writing a book. I was wondering if you would like to give me your opinion and criticism. That would mean a lot. If you like, can I have your email address".

    To get new friends (guy or girl) you tell them a situation that may help you get at least a phone number. But tell the truth.

    Most important tip, Be yourself and make sure you talk to the "right" person. Someone who seems to be to your liking and not someone how would oneday end up as your enemy. We don't want that now do we?

  2. good for you that your coming out. Heres the thing though if you are a guy and you like guys then you are g*y.point bland there is no bi for guys.And that is ok but if you like d**k then THATS IT. Usually a man who is like this gets bored with women and eventually turned off altogether or just not interested in them.So dont feel empty get your man and be happy no matter what!! good luck

  3. Just be yourself completely. Go out with friends and meet new people and you could find someone that way. I find if i'm constantly thinking about wanting to have a girlfriend i end up being single for aaaages. Its just life. So act as though you're not too bothered and things can just happen.

    *Edit* -  This has happened to me before and when i wasn't concentrating on trying to get a girlfriend i ended up with one. Anyway good luck i hope things work out for you.

  4. I recently came out as well. I had a few g*y friends here and there. They were unaware of me being g*y. When i told them and started coming opportunities for happiness and fulfillment starting appearing. I'm happier than I've ever been in my entire life. I started this only about a year ago. So here is my answer be yourself, but dont be shy, and hit the ground running. Its fun. You're free to be yourself at last eh?  


  5. go out into the world! dude, there is the world to see and experience. just dont be too loud and flamboyant and screaming. ok? smile always, have an effort in dressing up. and you would surely have men, looking at you....good luck!  

  6. Surround yourself with like minded people.  

    Meet as many people as you can - the more you meet, the better the chance of finding someone special

  7. Not too sure where you're coming from because [of course] I have no experience with this, ha ha. You should flirt around a bit and get used to the feeling of being g*y. Not completely, but get more comfortable to the feeling of it. Maybe you could try a few relationships, even if you make it clear that you're only in it for some worth-while experience. That may sound shallow, so make sure you find the right person... Ha ha.


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