
I'm just weird, dose that mean I can't be in a relationship? (Pic)?

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this has been bothering me for a while and it really got me thinking when my friends told me that girls in the mall always seem to "check me out" I thought it was all a load but they weren't joking. I said it has to be something other than attractiveness that make them look at me, perhaps how tall i am? they said no its only the girls who look at you and their looking you up and down.

we joked on about it and it came to a point where i said something like "if they're all checking me out how come i'm single am i intimidating or something?" and they said its your personality, they maybe checking you out but as soon as they talk to you they run" it was a joke and we all had a laugh but there's truth to it.

To be honest i am a bit weird, i'm not a nutter though, i'm intelligent, tall, i take care of myself and i'm decent. could i be to weird to even be in a relationship?

just as a reference here's a pic, i wasn't happy with anything i had so i used a pic i added an effect to in my art class I'm 17 in october by the way.

and here's a pic that i might as well use, its not the best.




  1. dont change to get people to like you! if you like how you look then there will be someone suited to you! who likes your personality! when you talk to girls, just be positive and be yourself!

  2. nah, theres nothign wrong weth u ♥ people always thenk there must be soemthing wrong with them if theve never been in a relationship, but its not rare for people to be years older than u when they have their first serious relationship.

    i think u look gud, jus make sure u have gud hygene, maybe get some eye contacts, ur tall an blond, im not surprised girls wud check u out.(ur right tho, u take bad pictures, i cen see ur features besides that however, other people might not be so obsrvant) next time try to notice if she smiles at u an smile back or say hey, an introduce urself if shes smiling a lot an looking at u ♥

  3. Mr. Rat.... people check out car wrecks but it does't mean they want to be in one.

  4. i don't thnik u look weird at all m8 u look pretty good 2 me lets just say tht if u were g*y i would go out with u in a hart beat. if girls dont like u thn don't worry abot it u will find some1 a good lookn lad like.

  5. well i believe in destiny so even if ure weird theres always someone for u

  6. from your pics you dont seem like the "mall girl" type. you dont look pretentious, superfical and that the type of guys the "mall girls" like. get yourself a girl who is into what you like as well. good luck

  7. If it is your personality then you need to practice how you behave. Women tend to like sensitive, intellectual men with whom they can have a nice conversation. Maybe you talk about yourself too much or about things women aren't interested in.

    Are you even certain they are eyeing you up and down? Would you have noticed had your friends not said anything?

    Make sure first before you ask them out. So long as you are clean, healthy and have a good enough personality, they will go for you.

  8. you havent explained how you are 'weird', but i'm sure you'll meet someone who loves you despite your flaws

    personally, i dont find you attractive, you arent my type

    but why dont you try approaching some of the girls checking you out sometime though?

    goodluck :)

  9. there will b a girl whose personality u will lyk and whose personality u will lyk..

    n personally u totally dont seem lyk the "mall girl" kind of a guy..


  10. You are never too weird to be in a relationship.  You should stay positive in life and there is nothing more beautiful than falling in love with someone's personality, even if the the weird is too much to handle, there is always someone out there. Weird is pretty much attractive as i can safely say.

    hope my advice helps:S

  11. You look older than 17, but you're only 17, what man/boy wants to be in a relationship at your age?

  12. omg sir roxa high five thats the funniest thing ive read all day

  13. i dunno but no offense u r not that attractive as u wrote above

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