
I'm just wondering if any of ppl here could able to save money...if ever how much??

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I'm just wondering if any of ppl here could able to save money...if ever how much??




  1. It's pretty easy to save a little here and there and it does really add up.

    Some simple ways to start are:

    Take your lunch to work instead of eating out or getting fast food.

    Drink water, tea, or Kool-aid you make yourself instead of soft drinks or kids sugary drinks.

    Pay attention to how much you spend on food vs. how many people you can feed with it. For instance a big pot of spaghetti can feed a lot of people and is much cheaper compared to say frozen pizzas.

    There are lots of other ways but these are some of the more easy changes you can make to save money.

  2. I'm just wondering if anyone here knows how to spell or use correct grammar.

    I save at least 15% of my income every month.

  3. 10% first thing each pay goes into savings. Just cut out buying what you do not need and do not charge.

  4. hello - i save 24.6% of my paycheck off the top (before taxes) every month.  some of that is to my company 401K, the rest to a retirement account.  I do this by being careful how I spend the rest of my money.  

    I bring lunch to work when I can.  

    I dont do starbucks or dunkin donuts at all.  

    I dont buy snacks during the workday, including sodas etc., water is better for both you and your wallet.  

    I run the dishwasher at night.

    I use AC only when its really miserably hot and the fan just wont cut it.

    I dont deny myself a glass of wine if I want one out at dinner, but i dont ever drink a soda or iced tea or anything like that at a restaurant.  it is so over priced.  Frankly, i dont feel that this is in any way a hardship, but i know some others do.  

    I try to buy organic food, again more expensive at times, but it does taste better so i enjoy it more.  

    I shop in bulk for things that make sense for my lifestyle, cereal, sports drinks, well priced meat to freeze, household products, but for other things, i buy what i think i can use quickly.    

    i try to buy clothes that are "timeless" so that they can be worn for a while, not just one season.  

    i do buy books because i like to read and its worth it to me, but i try to find them on sale when i can.

    there are so many other things you can do with a little creative thinking.  

    Good luck

  5. Just put away a little each month..even 10 dollars and that is fine, it will compound with time.

  6. I save a good chunk of my paycheck every 2 weeks.

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