
I'm just wondering what kinda hard time this pregnant daughter of a millionaire VP candidate will be having?

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Like what color uniform her 3 maids will wear etc?




  1. I don't get why it's such an issue.

    It's not her who's running for president, is it?

    Then again, I don't see where it would matter then, either.

    People are people, they should be allowed to live their private lives without harassment from the public.


    ~Loving Light~

  2. For those who claim that this is a "private matter" for the family, the fact that the mother is a politician running for VP, while espousing a view that s*x ed should teach abstinence-ONLY views (Which failed for her own daughter; its not likely that they'll be any more successful for anyone with fewer means) makes this a public issue.

    Its a perfect example of "do you live your teachings or do you just mouth them". Its clear that the position that Gov. Palin holds is a failed one. Just as her view regarding creationism being taught in schools is a failed and Unconstitutional one.

    Politicians running for high office should expect skeptical scrutiny. People whining about such scrutiny are hypocrites.  

  3. As of today, she's now in the media spotlight as not only a teenaged jezebel and fornicating ho with the morals of a bunny on crack, but also as a living symbol of her mother's hypocrisy.  

    Doesn't sound like fun.  But then again, knowing that her mother is a public figure, the girl should have had the sense to behave properly.  

  4. hard time? you must be kidding!!! A millionaire's daughter having a bad time?

  5. Just having a child at 17 is not easy on the mother or the child in most cases.  She'll miss her youth and that is sad.

    Seems to be you are pointing fingers.  If your parents are decent people I am sure you disappoint them.  You pretend on YA  to be a priest and you are not.  Why don't you point your judgmental finger at yourself?

  6. I doubt she'll have 3 maids, but as long as she has a loving and supportive family I think she'll be OK.

  7. I could imagine that it can't be easy for her having her personal business dragged out into public by having her mother decide to run for vice-president of the United States.

    However, I also don't think that her mother should have to adjust her career plans because she was too stupid to use birth control.  She made her own bed.

    I just don't want to hear her mother utter a single word favoring teaching abstinence-only s*x education in the schools, or tout the superiority of "Christian morals", because her own family is a glaring example of the dismal failure of that sort of program, and an example that raising your children in a strict Christian household does NOTHING to increase their morals over children raised in a household with any other belief.  

  8. I was thinking- oh boy the father of this baby probably fell over in faint when he got the news- seeing who he knocked up-he can't squirm out of out this one! LOL He's STUCK with the chick, like or not- at least until after the elections-  

  9. LMAO!! Why is your head being fried?   hahaaaaaaaaaaaa

  10. This is perfect for the young man involved. The governor and family will have to treat him very nice; at least until she wins or loses in the election.

  11. She probably hates her mom.  Seriously.  But d**n!...It sure is ironic that Palin is pro-Abstinence Only in s*x education....but then her daughter who is a minor, and pregnant!  

    So, basically Palin doesn't mind legislating pro-abstinence only in s*x education...but when it is her daughter who does not practice abstinence, it is OK, and they are "proud" of their daughter's choice to be a mother.  LOL...Give me a d**n break!  As if little Palin had s*x BECAUSE she wanted to be a mother.  LOL.....I'm not stupid enough to believe that sh*t.  The irony couldn't be better!  

  12. And this is on R&S...why?

  13. What business is it of yours. Its a personal matter. End of story.

  14. Boy, looks like that Abstinence training really paid off, doesnt it???

    Cracks me up...  

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