
I'm just wondering what people thing about animals going extinct and the world coming to an end.?

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There are three things that i want to hear peoples thoughts on.

1. Bananas are going extinct. Why dont people just stop producing them so rapidly, and start to let them grow for 10 years?

2. The ice caps melting. I know that by 2012, all of the boarders (countries along the ocean) will be flooded. :( like florida etc.

and 3. why are people so selfish and wanting to do all of these things like killing the earth, which we take for granted, even though we know that it is all coming to an end? Why dont people realize that we are in danger and that we are killing something so beautiful :(.




  1. you can`t care if your eating them  eat the pig , eat the cow , the chicken , eat the lamb,  eat the farm,   eat the world ,whats next eat me and you . I say go ahead

  2. I think the reason is that the majority of people are so wrapped up in the material world that they have forgotten this beautiful gift that we were given. They have forgotten that if you take the time to experience true nature and maybe even go to the mountains and stay for a month and bring nothing with them but them self's and take the time to amerce them selves in it they would change there minds and the funny thing is that when the time comes that the rapture comes we will be forced to live like that and then hopefully we will appreciate what we have been given.

  3. Yeah,the world is coming to an end because of people.We're inventing things we can't handle with and our ignorance will soon destroy not just us,but the whole planet we're living on.BUT we can still open our eyes and stop behaving so selfish to the nature.Being more economical is the key to success.

    But if everything fails and if people really cause the apocalypse there is still hope that,maybe one day in the future the Earth will renew again.I mean,everything in our universe is based on opposites: one person dies,another is born.If our Earth comes to an end the evolution will probably start from the beginning.

  4. people can not kill the earth it will be here long after we are gone

  5. Humans can and are killing the earth, to deny this is simply burying one's head in the sand.  The major reason is the current legal satus of our money.  The things it can do and the things it can't do.  For example:  Governments are paid to keep people hooked on using water for their human wastes when it has been proven that water is not necessary for it and that tanks, when large enough and have the proper equipment can be used without the need for water at all and that keep the wastes from contact with the earth.  But, the giant reach for the almighty dollar precludes caring people from having the right to protect their selves and their children's futures in this regard.  In the past, reusable containers were used for food, but due to the greedy pirates and the government officials that they pay to put in place, throw away, polluting containers are now the norm in society, with never a word of consideration of the valuable lessons learned from the past.  etc.  etc.    And only if we had people in power that cared for the people.  The ways and ideas to protect the earth are locked in the people's hearts and minds yet they are forced to remain there by the retardism of the lust for present day money.  Money that after you realize what it has done to the planet isn't really money at all but a tool of an illegal mafia type slave generation.

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