
I'm kinda insecure about this, should I be?

by  |  earlier

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Haha I know this sounds really retarded so I'm sorry, but I'm always really insecure about my legs. I feel like my thighs are huge. Just be honest




  1. no dont be! i have big thighs too even though im like really skinny and i complain to my mom alll the time but she just says how SHE HATES girls with stick skinny legs cuz it make them look like guys or CHICKEN LEGS! ahaha well at least she makes me feel better. you gotta accept how god built you, which he has reasons for. bigger thighs mean stronger legs and i bet you could totally survive a couple obstacles better than ppl with stick legs (ie. running away from a killer, climbing up a coconut tree if you were ever trapped on an island -- lol)

    and if you dont wanna accept it, then you could change it buy jogging. running for a while in the mornings.

    but i think they're just fine. ;)

  2. there fine, not to skinny, not to fat, perfect, my thighs are as big as yours and im only in 6th grade

  3. I thought i was looking at a picture of me.

    I have hella skinny arms but i think

    my thights are too big 4 me.

  4. nope ur legs are fine look seriously, but if u want u could do some jogging or some lunges to get them more fit, but i think they look fine

  5. no you are fine

    plz answer mine?;...

  6. any smaller and they'd be too skinny

  7. Youre perfect in my opinion.

  8. I've seen you at least two times on here....

    Most comments said that you were very pretty.

    Now, it is a question about your legs.

    You are an attractive young lady.


  9. They arent big at all mine are HUUUGE compared to urs


  10. they look nice

    dont worry bout it

  11. nahh good size in my eye

  12. your legs look muscular not fat don't let any tell  you that. and from experience guys only insult when they think you are cute my boyfriend told me my thighs were like elephants before we went out the he told me at a school dance that i have s**y legs and that he wanted to look cool in front of his friends and we are still going out after 2 years.

  13. you look fine!

  14. ur thighs rnt huge!! and u seem skinny and it evens out  

  15. well for one your legs are better than mine! I would kill for your legs. Mine used to be like that until I started gaining some more weight and well now they aren't! Anyway like the others said you have nice legs - don't worry about it.

    And tell the guys at school if they think your thighs are so huge then tell em not to look.

  16. No, you shouldn't be.

    You have a great body that some girls would kill for.

  17. Coming from a guy your beautiful.

  18. i love your legs! ahha that sounded weird.

    but no, you don't have huge thighs at all.

  19. are u serious??????????????????

  20. wow

  21. dont worry yyou have a nice body..and ur thighs are NOT big at all

    dont listen to guys..theyr all jerks when it comes to a girls looks

  22. your perfect dont worry about it

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