
I'm kindof depressed.?

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i'm not ready to go cut myself or kill myself or in any way put myself in danger. i'm not like that.

but, lately i've felt really down.

i've just started highschool and now,

i feel like i have no friends. most of them have changed.

two of my closest friends ditched me and when i try talking to

them about it, they say they'll hang out with me more and they never

do. and now at school, i feel like such a loner. i'm always walking around

alone and i feel so lame. i feel so unattractive and so dumb and everything.

i'm having difficulty in all of my classes, too. and i just always feel like i'm under so much pressure.

and then there's this girl who i used to be BFF with. we did EVERYTHING together. all of a sudden, she asked for 'space' and then we stopped talking for about 6 months. finally, we discussed it and realized we should be friends again. but its like, i always have to start the conversations and all that and she's super friendly when we talk, but i get the vibe she doesn't like me so much when she says she misses me a lot.

idk i'm just confused about so much.

help would be appreciated

and rude comments wouldn't.




  1. yeah, this is normal, my friends did this to me in junior high, best friends, grew up together and all, then after summer, I seen them, and they acted like the phoniest beotches one can imagine, they just didnt like me anymore, it can mean one or two things, they matured faster than you, my case, they were all in their new teeny bopper clothes and my mom helped me shop and put me kids clothes, lol......but these phonies arent worth agonizing over, quickly, I found other friends, better friends, and I met their friends and so on, I had about 13 really close friends when going into highschool, and we were a crowd. they guys liked us, we had parties, it was awesome, so dont let a few fake girls get you down because there are lots of ppl to meet, and whatever you do, dont hide in the washroom. highschool is weird, growing up is weird. you will get through it.

  2. Hah. You sound like me.

    Anyway you have to relax and think about all the good things about your life and the people you love. As no matter what you do this feeling will pop up a few more times now, so you have to start liking your life. You can always find some way to talk to people and have conversations and you can find some new friends if you must.

    As suicide is never an option.

  3. OMg i know how you feel that's how i feel im stilling having trouble but i can tell you that you should look for some new friends i mean friends that actually care about you. Do something that relaxes you to get the pressure off like do something you like i take a warm bath and it helps me. Hope this helped can u answer mine please i really need help;...

  4. There are many reasons why you feel depressed :

    1- It's better if everyone identify his goal in life . like " What do I want to be by the age of 25 ; Is it possible ? etc... " .

    2- It's better to begin to realize that people are actually always like that ,and they are useless to some extent.

    3- It's better if you stick to someone who really likes you for what you are . You will know if someone likes if he always try to connect with you ; if someone likes you , you'll probably like him ,and you will stick to each other forever.

    4- It's better if you begin to organize the relationship between your social life and education . For example , you can put priorities ; first to get good grades ,and do all what it takes to get them.2nd , connect with people and friends ( preferably weekends ) .3rd , other stuff etc...  .

    5- It's better if you get a good boyfriend to make you feel always accepted . Your boyfriend would tend to satisfy you even if it caused him troubles ( Warning : Stay away from relationships which lead to fight and jealousy ; pick one who is blindly loving you and don't get too close to him during study , because if he break up with you for any reason , you will not be able to go through it so quickly ) .

    6- It's better if you know from me that you shouldn't care about people or what they say or what they do . You just treat everyone with respect and in a proper way ,and no one will harm you ( Unless you walk out alone at night :P ).

    7- It's better if you find what's special about yourself and admire it ; you will then begin to build your confidence ,personality and character.You may not be miss world ,but you are better for how you treat people. Check the following link :

    ( Warning : Don't get involved in dating stuff too much , or you will give it more importance than other things ; date just if this is what it takes to make you feel comfortable with your parents knowledge ; reasonably you should date a guy maybe 2 or 3 times a year during vacations . If you are dating more than 2 or 3 times , there is something wrong :P and you should discover it and solve it )

    8- It's better if you get your time organized and make a time table considering the time you need for homework and the other stuff.

    9- It's better if you try a little bit hard for studying ,because I've been throught the same ; high school requires more time and patience than the previous years . You have to be extremely punctual about ever second to get things done well . Don't put that sad portrait infront you . You can still live normally . All you have to do is put your big and small goals ,and do whatever good way it takes to get to them ; imagine as if your goals are the most important thing in your life ,and you wouldn't live without doing them ( Not like struggler ,but warrior ) .

    -- Everyone is being throught the same problems ; we just have to adapt with it . The more adaptive you are , the smarter you are .Think of you goal to remind yourself ,but live the moment in which you are working for this goal without thinking too much about it  ,and you will be alright ----  

  5. I wish I could go to your school so I could be your friend!

    That really sucks...

    I know what you're going through... Thats really horrible of your friends to do. High school can be a real nightmare...

    Try hanging out with new people... you might end up being best buds with them! Don't be too upset =/ I'm thinking of ya! Because I went through the same thing, you're not alone!

    Hope this helps =]

  6. I was in your shoes for a period of time in high school and I didn't handle it well. Looking back today this is how I would have handled it. I would go to the library and read/study. Talk to anyone/everyone (fellow students). Your friends doesn't necessary have to be in your class. Try to make friends all around you and then those girls will realize that you can do without them. They'll come running back when they realize that you don't need them.  trust me. That way even if you are a bit clingy. You'd grow out of it because you'll be more sociable and have more friends to choose from.

  7. Don't worry. Start over. Join an after school club, you might meet some real nice people. Be yourself and don't let them get you down, trust me on that.!    

  8. we've all been there kid trust fact this sounds like something i would have posted hhaha SERIUSLY....but it took me like a year to realize(ima jounior in high skool now) everyone bleeds the same blood...everyone breathes the same air... you are NEVER alone GOD is always there for you trust me :) prayyyyy and evvverything will get better :D im such a happy camper noww ...haha if i wen to ur skool i'd b ur friend too :) hmmm if u have a myspace u can add me if youd like just look for "" under ghostface killah :) add me  

  9. re-organise your room and start a fresh be super freindly to everyone .smile at everyone you see and be confident!!! set the trends Go Girl !!!! girls will be dying to be your freind soon  

  10. Hi, sorry you don't feel so good.  I used to be exactly the same and it's so hard not feeling like you fit in.  I spoke to my doctor and am working on being happy with my own company and liking myself so that I am not so dependent on other's approval.  Did any of these people ever give you a reason for needing 'space'?  Would any of them be honest enough to give you an explaination if you assured them you wanted the truth whatever it may be? It seems they may have underlying issues they don't want to tell you as they are either not wanting to hurt you by telling you to your face, or are just not yet mature enough.  None of these girls sound like they are proper friends anyway.  Do you do any out of school activities where you could find other friends? I wish you luck

  11. i m 16 and i m in the same situation schools starts in 9 days and i really dunno what to do i ve had many ''friends'' b4 and listen to me dont believe in real friendship it doesnt exist so just hang out with ppl have fun but dont get too emotional and needy ppl dont want that just be polite try to make new friends its not that difficult just talk and u ll see things will change also join some clubs and activities but mostly dont forget ur studies cuz thats ur ticket to college ..Good luck

  12. Not sure if you are actually depressed or just really upset. I've had so many severe issues with depression for about 4-5 years now, and I never actually was able to be open about it to anyone until I became more comfortable with everything, and even then I've left many things out and when I'm depressed I rarely tell anyone, and I've seen that that is how most people who are depressed are (family history with this..)

    But, whether it's that bad or not, I know basically exactly how you feel. That was how my first year of high school went. I had 1 friend from the year before go to my high school with me, and we met a few other people and for 6 months we all hung out all the time, then when Christmas break was over, things changed. They dumped me because they basically said I was annoying and was always around them and always wanted to hang with them (which is stupid because... I'm pretty sure that's what friends are for, to hang out with during lunch and to talk to quickly during class breaks.... liek wtf?) and I was friendless for a week and pretty much spun into a really bad depression about that for a little while. I've had a lot of those days walking around alone, and loneliness is my trigger.. so if I feel lonely for too long of a time, I get so messed up emotionally to the point I actually have called my mom to come pick me up and just claimed I was sick. I've missed a lot of school over that stuff.

    I really think that you just need to talk to people about it. Like... talk to a school counselor. i never felt comfortable doing that, and I've been sent to them a few times since high school started, and it sucks for me. But if you feel you can do that, they may be able to help in terms of the pressure and stress with your classes. And with feeling alone, I pretty much had a few people from my classes stand up and actually say "hey, wanna come eat lunch with my friends and I" and I ended up starting a few good friendships with other people and with people that I was able to open up to about the whole situation I was going through, and it helped a lot. Try and talk to some of the people in your classes more; sit next to peopel that you think you'd like to talk to, or if it's assigned seating, then just say hi to some of the people next to you. They may end up being awesome people.

    With this old friend, I would honestly say to tell her what you are thinking. Just say that you are doubting her I guess... motives? And that you aren't feeling quite comfortable with everything and that you don't want to try and be friends again if it doesn't seem like she cares at all about it.

    High school can be tough. Just try and get help from the right people, and things should get better.

  13. I think you should join a group, something your interested in and make new friends with people you have something in common with. High school can be so trivial, especially young girls.

    You need to do something that makes you happy. Don't hang out with people that bring you down and make you feel crappy, that's not what friends are suppose to do. Friends are suppose to be there for you no matter what, so you can have a laugh and have a cry...not sometimes like you, sometimes not like you...need space, and when THEY'RE ready to speak with you they will? Tell them to get real!

    Do something and find something your good at - it will make you feel better and build up your confidence :-)

  14. This is like a viscous circle, you would be sad because you have less friends. You wld have less friends you would be sad. Somewhere you have to break this circle.

    BE happy with yourself, cheer up. Everyone is beautiful. You seem like a sensitive and mature person. Involve yourself in activities, learn dancing, go gyming, theater etc. Don't push yourself on others. Just chill, enjoy and act and behave with them normal without sounding desperate to get their friendship. Once they see you happy and enjoying urself they would come to you.

    Just dont be sad, because no one wants to hang out with a sad person. So cheer up, wear  a s**y dress and this is your day. Flirt a bit, laugh a bit and be happy. Else let me know, i wld make you happy :)

  15. Hello, i've been like that. I am sure we all of. Lots of people out there just don't seem to care about others. Even when you seem not to have friends down here and get lonely. Remember there is GOD that is there for your always. (JESUS CHRIST). He always listens, and helps out in so many ways. But on the other note, try meeting new people, there is a lot people out there, not just a few! :D ( you can always contact me on here, I'm a friend to all :D )

  16. i just started high school and so far im pretty depressed too.

    i think you should just find some new friends and forget about the ones who left you. and keep distant from your "bff" i get the vibe shes fake.

    dont worry though! high school always sucks at first (everyone told me) and you get used to it and begin to get into it and like it after a while!

    good luck and pleaseeee answer mine;...

  17. These people will not be with you through out the rest of your life.You don't need em.

  18. High school is a very difficult period for the majority of people.  You are not alone.  You just don't mask your feeling as well as others.  See a therapist.  You will realize that there are ways of coping with your feelings of inadequacy.  You will realize that you are not as alone as you think.  Don't be afraid to seek help when you are feeling so down.  It's not healthy to continue to feel the way you do.

  19. High school is a big change for allot of people because the friends you once had make new friends ,Don't be so down on yourself just try to make you some new friends .Hold your head up when you go to school and don't feel like anyone is any better than you.Sounds like you may be alittle shy but jump in there and talk to people .You are being way to hard on yourself just relax friendship will come just keep your chin up .Best to you .
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