
I'm lactose intolerant and I ate cheese three days ago?

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Well, maybe two I don't recall - can this still be upsetting my stomach? I'm still super bloated. There was dried milk in my cereal but is that enough to cause me this much of a problem? I'm feeling horrible.




  1. oh gross, I bet ur going to be blowing all over the place. EWWWW

    Edit: Thats okay, I like chocolate milk. LMAO!! pfffff...(oh excuse you, need some Beano?) LMAO!!!!! hahahah

  2. Okay, it depends on what type of cheese you ate. First if it was an aged cheese like Cheddar, the more sharp it is, the less lactose it has in it and you ate it three days ago. If it was a more milk rich cheese like Mozzarella then more likely to give you problems. Most likely it is not what is giving you a problem from looking at your time frames. For me, if I eat Lactose I get the bloated feeling about 2 hours after and sick about 12 to 24 hours after. Cheese especially Cheddar has never bothered me. Now, if it was "cheddar Cheese" like in Macaroni and Cheese, then that is not the same and can cause problems.

    Now if you had dried milk, I tend to think that is probably what is giving you problems depending on when you ate it. And yeah, depending on how much dried milk you had a little dab can really hurt because, it is pretty concentrated. Anything that concentrates down the lactose is going to take less to give you problems. For instance, you might find that whole milk is less of a problem than Skim milk.

    If you are not feeling better in a few days than maybe you should visit a doctor to make sure it is just Lactose intolerance that is bothering you and not something worse.

  3. Yes, the milk in your cereal could also be causing the problem.  I'm lactose-intolerant too, so I sympathize.  But, the cheese should be out of your system by now.   I've had the most problems with orange cheeses (like cheddar), but fresh mozzarella seems to be ok for me....You can buy Lactaid or Dairy-Eze tablets to take just before you eat something with dairy, and that might help a bit.  Buy Lactaid or Dairy-Eze milk (tastes just like regular), or vanilla soymilk - and slices of soy cheese.  Feta cheese shouldn't bother you either.  Breyer's makes really good Lactose-Free Natural Vanilla ice cream too......

  4. Go to the bathroom and blow it up & you'll feel better....

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