
I'm leaking... Normal? details inside.. maybe tmi. ?

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Well for the past week I have been kinda leaking down there. It looks just like milk and sometimes it is thicker. And it comes out the most right when I sit down. It isn't enough to fill a pad or anything but I didn't get that at all with my first pregnancy.

I'm almost 15 weeks with my second.




  1. Why don't you ask your doctor?  you know, the one with the degree and all the knowledge?

  2. This happened w/ me with this pregnancy, but not my last. When i spoke with my dr. about this she said it was because of the hormones and different levels changing in the body.

    What you're noticing is probably normal leukorrhea — the odorless or mild-smelling milky discharge that you occasionally noticed in your underwear before you were pregnant. There's just a lot more of it now, partly because of increased estrogen production and greater blood flow to the vaginal area. This discharge is made up of secretions from the cervix and v****a, old cells from the walls of the v****a, and normal bacterial flora from the v****a.

    If there's a lot of thin, clear discharge, it can be hard for you tell if it's just mucus or if you're leaking amniotic fluid. If you have any doubt, contact your midwife or doctor.

    If you click on the link below it will give you more information

  3. Your body makes lots of extra mucous during pregnancy.  I noticed milky discharge as well as extra nose mucouse during both of mine.  As long as it doesn't go through a pad or liner and doesn't have a funky smell or color, it's probably normal.

  4. Discharge during pregnancy is normal.  However, you should consult with your ob/gyn instead of asking non-qualified people on the internet.  

  5. I'm pregnant with my second child also and have had the same problem. I went to dr earlier this week with premature labor and asked about the "leakage".most of it was the normal "discharge" that you have with pregnancy but i also found out i had a slight yeast infection. so you might want to ask your dr. to check you for a possible yeast infection. i think the reason it bothered me so much is because you feel "dirty" alot quicker than usual. hope this helps

  6. Hello.If you have itching and burning and mild-smelling curdy discharge,it's probably a yeast infection.If not it is just normal vaginal secretions,pregnant ladies are very juicy.

  7. Hi, I had the same problem when i was around 18 weeks...And it never got better lol..I am 37 weeks now and it is still the same..The doctor said it is totally normal and tends to react different to different women. I just wore panty liners and that solved my problem. This is one of the many sucky parts of pregnancys lol...Good luck!!!

  8. hi this is totally normal don't worry just one of the joys we have being pregnant "men have no idea do they" in my first two pregnancies it cleared up at about 20 weeks so fingers crossed this time it will do the same i wear panty liners and regularly change them to avoid any worries of getting thrush from a build up but other than that its fine good luck and stop worrying

  9. Thin, milky, mild-smelling discharge called Leukorrhea is normal during pregnancy.. it's like regular discharge that women get that tends to be more when your pregnant.. It should be of no concern unless it gets really thick and clumpy or starts to get a bad smell to it... just wear liners and that'll help you feel dryer and cleaner

    I had it with all my pregnancies

  10. It sounds like a possible yeast infection.  You may want to call your doctor, and they will suggest a safe over the counter med for you.  He may also ask you to come in to make sure that is what it is.  It is pretty normal to get a yeast infection with pregnancy.  Just be careful as the really bad ones can sometimes cause labor.

    If you start leaking fluid (water like), or having any type of cramps then rush to the nearest ER.

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