
I'm learning how to fly but...?

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i cant even get past the books. ill read a chapter, then ill have to read it all over again. i don’t get it because iv been flying since i was a baby and i still love it. and my dad is the instructor. Please tell me ways that might make it easier to read the book. If your wondering I’m only 17,but flying is my passion and if i can't fly that will have a big impact on me.




  1. If it is your will find your way through the books.

    The FAR/AIM, weather books, etc. can be really cumbersome, but the end result is worth it if that is what you want.

    I've found that it is best to read a section at a time and take a moment to envision a situation where you would use the information you just learned.  It takes a little longer to get through a chapter...but I find that reiterating what I just read in my mind helps me retain the information.  Have fun with it...try to find a humourous way to remember some of the acronyms.

    You'll do just fine if this is what you want!

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