
I'm leaving for Navy Boot camp in 5 days. I'm a nervous wreck! What should i expect?

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My dad told me not to bring anything, just the clothes on my back? He was navy 20 years.

Is it all co-ed?

And i'm in no shape at all! HELP!




  1. From what I was told all you really need is your social security card and drivers license.  I would start running if I were you, but don't worry about the shape you're in too much many recruits go in out of shape and they make it

  2. Take what your RECRUITER tells you to bring they will have a list to give YOU, go by and pick it up TODAY!

    Navy basic is a piece of cake nothing like USMC BOOT or ARMY basic.

    To late for exercise to any good but limber you up some.

    Vet-USAF / basic 1979

    @dded ; No basic military training is co-ed you will see the opposite s*x but at a distance ONLY

  3. Just remember it's only 8 weeks and they just trying to teach you to work under pressure and as a team.  best of luck. hope you pick a good A school.  

  4. Take extra underwear and t-shirts, (couldn't hurt to have more) bandaids, Neosporin, baby/body powder. dental floss, cortizones creme, a phone call. Take a small "maglite" flashlight and extra batteries and a good padlock or two (maybe even tthree). Get one's that use a key, trying to do a combo in the dark is h**l! Just remember to lock your stuff up even if you are just going to turn around for 2 second. Something about a barracks that breeds a thief. Good Luck and thank you for your service!

  5. Probably boats.

  6. Start doing calisthenics NOW. I mean NOW. Otherwise, all your muscles are going to get the workout of their lives, and every inch of your body will be SORE, SORE, SORE.

    Once you get past that -- you'll really be proud of yourself.

  7. "What should i expect?"

    To be a nervous wreck for 2 more weeks ;) But soon you will get into the swing of it all. You are entering the service with the most balanced of boot camps. You will do fine.

    If you are in Florida, it is co-ed... sort of. Training, etc. is separate.

  8. Don't worry everything is gonna be fine. your recruiter should tell u what to bring...Good luck Ill be leaving next year Jan maybe! Look at this video it might help!

  9. Ask your recruiter, should gave you of list what to and not bring, mostly only bring the cloth you wear, cause the rest will get send back.  They would provided everything you need.  

    My advice to you; if you are E2 or below, get a top position in your division, those help you advance, if you doing a good job.  And don't get panic when RTC yell at you, just do what they said, this no way near as harsh as the Marine, but depend on the RTC, but they can't touch you like before.

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