
I'm leaving for college, but I don't want to leave my guinea pig behind.?

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I was the one who wanted a guinea pig in the family, so I got one and took care of her for a long time. I never thought about going to college, but now that the time has come, there's a question I need an answer to: What should I do with my guinea pig?

No one in my family will take care of her and my friends are also going their separate ways. I also don't want to put her up for adoption, because its too sad and I don't trust anyone else to take care of her. It will be very stressful for her as well.

I'll be living in the dorms this fall and pets aren't allowed except fish. What should I do?




  1. I'm so sorry you're in this tough situation. It's always hard to let a beloved pet go. You really need to think about what is best for your guinea pig, though. Do you have any relatives or know someone who would be willing to "foster" her while you're away at college? Since you're staying in a dorm, and you're not allowed to take her, it seems the only options are to find someone to take care of her while you're away or put her up for adoption and find her a good home.

    If you have other relatives, ask them if they'd be willing to care for your guinea pig. If you make a list of her supplies, where to get it, and give it to whoever is caring for your guinea pig, tell them you'd be willing to pay them back. All they would need to do is provide you with the receipts of the supplies they purchased, and you'll refund them their money once you get back from college.

    If not, it's the best idea to find her a good home. Spend some time thoroughly screening homes to ensure it's a good home for her. Good luck.

  2. If you have family that's money oriented, do that!

    I have a cat back in Kentucky that I pay my friend to take care of.

    Every month I send her money for supplies and toys and a babysitting fee. I also gave her a "deposit" to use just in case there's a vet emergency.

    Think about that. :)

    There are also rescue groups that will take her and if you ask they won't adopt her out.

  3. sneak her in as a fish. dress her up in a fish costume. or puther inthefishtank

  4. Do you know anyone that lives near the collage? Maybe they will take her and you can visit her, otherwise its a tough desision.

  5. Is living off campus an option?

  6. Do you have any close friends or relatives that live close to campus?  If so, maybe you can pay them to take care of your guinea pig.  There are some groups that will take care of animals until their owner can take care of him/her.  There is a fee but its pretty inexpensive.

  7. OK this is tough. But there are ways to promote the positives of a GP's companionship so that somebody responsible will want to have her.

    One really good one I can think of is the animal companionship thing. A nice, well mannered GP can improve the quality of life for a lonely GP or even a Dwarf Rabbit if they are provided enough space.

    Maybe one of your friends with a lonely animal such as

    these could be persuaded if you help them to get a larger cage. Sheesh! It'd work on me. I'd go for it in a second.

    Good Luck!

  8. I wouldnt put her up for adoption but they have like people that will take care of her untill you can take her back, but if you dont trust them you could find a friend or some ne you know who lives in a house by the college to take care of her and you can see her everyday and even maybe take care of her :)

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