
I'm level 15 on runescape and just became a member...?

by  |  earlier

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and i was wondering wha should i do now that im a member!.... i dont wanna waste my $7.00 so what do i do and how do i do it?




  1. bad move its a good time to become a member when around 40-50 so you can whear al the member armors and such

  2. You can do that? I wouldn't waste my money on there, but try to get the most out of it. I have runescape millions money making ebook if you want. :)

  3. Go to the members area. there is tons of cool places to see. buy a house train skills. do the gertruids cat quest and wolf whistle quest. do out and explore there is so much stuff to do.

    hope that helped.

  4. well, first pick flax, then when u have enoguh money, go train all ur skills, and if ur looknig for an easy 99 skill then do cooking, and the best website for all ur runescape help is either or, i actually prefer, it owns so much, i quit rs, but good luck, and another option is look into being a pure, and do bounty hunter for the lower level crater, and SUMMONING IS A WASTE , i know, im lvl 104 and i quit, played 3years, dont do SUMMONING~~!!~!

  5. 1. It's actually $6, but that's not the point here.

    2. Do Wolf Whistle and Druidic Ritual Quests, they will give you full access to member's only skills.

    3. But maybe before you start spending money on RS, you should do everything you can for free first.

  6. i don't wanna hate on this game too much because i myself once played my suggestion is make sure you won't get bored even if all your friends quit playing.  Cause i had members for like a year then most my freinds quit and i quit soon after too....  got kinda boring.

  7. hmm..well I thought it was only $5 lol, but eh. What I do is Slayer (lvl 88 atm :/ going for 99!) quite profitable. I try to work on my skills, I'll occasionally stop slaying and just focus on skills. Now I don't know if you just want to be a skiller, or you want combat up, and what not. But if you want your combat up, I would say slayer is the best way to go. Meh, I was going to post a link that tells you about it, but yeh not working for me, maybe it will for you. Go to and look under Skill Guides and click Slayer, should give you all the info. Or if you're going to skill, try out all the skills till you find one that you really like, try getting that to 99 (good luck). If you're not really trying for 99's just trying to get those skills up, do them all, or just a few. Who knows you might even like doing quests, so try those out. Yep, all I got lol. Hmm hope I've helped.

  8. You could explore the member parts of runescape. You could go try those member skills and live in your house. You could do some members quests. There are more mini-games for members. You could go buy some members stuff which frees can't buy. You could attack monsters which frees could have never seen before. It's a lot easier to earn money if you are a member than a free could. You could try out the cool RunescapeHD which frees could not.Free's could only see the ugly part of runescape because they could only use runescape SD! lol! And anyway you should not pay $7 you should only pay $5 and anyway it's not really good for a noob to be a member. But it's a lot fun anyway.

  9. train every skill.what i usually do is do the quests that has no requirements first, such as fishing contest, wolf whistle, and druidic ritual.

    in other words, do quests

    you can also start training thieving, for early money.

    also, next time make sure that you are at least level 50 before you become a member, or else you get harrased by strong people, and that you have nothing to do.

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