
I'm little concerned im 38 half wks pregnant!

by  |  earlier

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I went to use the restroom & i poopd and when i wiped der was some clear goowey (spelled wrong) stuff and i just dont know what it was!! Plz help!! Has this happend to anyone else?? Very concerned!




  1. sounds like your mucous plug.  Just watch for other signs of labour.  Your baby should be arriving soon by the sounds of it.  Best of luck:)

  2. donno but it was maybe like your waters breaking cos some women just have a little and some have a lot.

    u should maybe phone your midwife and check it out just incase it is something else

  3. Don't worry, this is normal.  It is called your mucus plug.  If you are full term and have lost your mucus plug, there is usually no need to call your doctor. You may lose your mucous plug weeks before labor starts. If you notice regular, timeable contractions after losing your mucus plug, follow your doctor’s protocol for proceeding to Labor and Delivery.  

    It could be days, maybe even weeks before you go into labor.

  4. Don't worry too much. it sounds like your mucus plug is coming out.Just your body getting ready to have a baby.  

  5. right after my 36 weeks every time i peed i had a little come out, it was slimy but not alot, my doc said it was my mucus plug, i never lost the whole thing though like most women do, i had a schedualed c-section, but its nothing to worry about

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