
I'm living with someone and my mom hates it?

by Guest63734  |  earlier

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I'm 26 years old and me and my bf have been living together for 6 months. He is wonderful. I'm the most happy when the 2 of us are at home together. Everyone in my family knew we were living together except for my mom. I just told her today bcs i was just tired of lying. When i told her she said how much of an embarrassment I'm to her and i'll never get married and i wont be anything in life. This hurts me badly. I knew she would react this way but i didn't know how bad it would hurt me. I told my bf this and he said he's moving out. I don't know what to do. My family is very old fashion. Everyone is married and have never lived alone unlike me who moved out 2 years ago. It sounds stupid but i'm afraid of my mom. I've always been. She's so overpowering and i'm the opposite. I don't even know what to do. Should I continue to live with him or should we just live in different places? Is it that horrible living with someone? People tell me all the time how horrible it is to live with someone before marriage.




  1. It isn't a horrible thing, it's just other people's beliefs in their own religion, etc.

    There is probably no point in moving into seperate places - you will probably stay at the other's place the majority of the time anyways.  What's the point in paying 2 rents?  

    If you are happy with him and love living with him, then just tell your mom that this is your choice.  It has no reflection on who you are as a person.  You are still her daughter and she will love you forever and you will always love her.

    Right now she is hurt and used to her old-fashioned ways.  You will become whatever and whoever you want to be.  If she wants to maintain a relationship with you, she will just have to cope with it.  You are an adult and capable of making your own choices.

    Do what you need to do, but do it for yourself, not for your family and not for your boyfriend.

  2. Sounds like my parents...over-protective and kind of controlling. They would kill me if I even thought about moving in with a guy and I'm 21. They are just worried about your reputation. If they are heavy Christians, if there's such a thing then they are following religious beliefs. They just don't want you playing house. I guess they are thinking they raised you with better moral values and you living with your bf is against that, which is disappointing to them.  

  3. everyone has their views and opinions on that.

    just go with wat makes u happy!


    its your life. not your mom's or other people.

    make your own decisions, make mistakes.

    thats life.

    Fcku everyone else.

  4. Your bf is moving out cause your mom got mad? Wow, I can just imagine what would happen if the 2 of you got married... your mom would control you with the snap of her fingers.

    I don't see a problem living with someone... my sister lived with her bf for a year or so before they got married, its not a big deal.

  5. I don't know I think its always good to listen to your parents. Some time it's best to know a person before you start living with them. Even though it looks like now, its a great idea. You never know what could happen down the road. What looks good, aint always the best for you. Iknow you are living with him now, so it's a bigger transition for you guys to move out now. BUT it is better to get married, besides marriage is pretty great when you have real love.

  6. yeah youre 26 tell her to go to her youre a woman

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