
I'm look for an apartment and i don't have good credit what do i do?

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I'm look for an apartment and i don't have good credit what do i do?




  1. NEVER live in an apartment where your name is not on the rental agreement or lease.  If you get caught, your bad credit will not be your only problem.  For one thing, the landlord won't just kick you out; they will also kick your roommate out.  Then when your roommate tries to get future rentals, this will be a blemish on their record (because most rental applications require someone to list every place they've lived in the past so-many years...a gap in this time line and not being able to contact a previous landlord are not good things).  You will have given your roommate a reason to have a difficult time finding a place to live in the future, too.

    For another thing, you have to start somewhere.  There are landlords out there who will give you a shot.  There are also landlords out there who have you fill out applications, but never really check your credit, references, etc.  You would be surprised at what kinds of places you can get into with bad credit.  Just go fill out applications wherever it is that you want to live, and see what happens.  Try to be honest about your situation, and hope that you find someone with a sympathetic ear.

    Everyone's situation is different, and many landlords are very willing to give you a chance.  Have faith in yourself as a person and remember that not everyone who lives in an apartment has spotless credit.  Where there's a will there's a way...good luck!

  2. u could bring a document that show u have high income if u do or if u employ by certain company long time show u have stable job  

  3. I'm a landlord.  Explain to my why you didn't pay your bills on time before..... but you will pay me on time.  Most people with bad credit have no idea why they can't seem to pay their bills on time.  They are constantly amazed.

    I want tenants who are honest and honorable who will pay me on time. Convince me and i will rent to you.  I will be more interested if you offer to pay 3 months in advance. /

  4. Well, you should consider a roommate(s).  Sounds shady, but if you have people with good or no credit you have a better chance just living there and paying the bills, not being on the lease.

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